Monday, October 27, 2008

Julia Patience

Julia Patience
Date of Birth January 17th 2008
Date born into Heaven January 14th 2008

Beloved Daughter of John and Maria


Stephanie said...

The year on this memorial should be 2008, not 2007.
thank you.

Stephanie said...

dear lil Julia Patience---you left too soon, and we will never understand why....but we will never forget your brief precious life!!
Your mommy loves you so much, and she is remembering your life with love.....

Until we meet in Heaven!

Anonymous said...

(Thank you, Stephanie, for this gift.)

My darling child, to see your name written in the sand, as it will always be in my heart, floods me with joy and grief, the depths of which I never knew until I knew you.

I have been blessed and honored to be your mother. Thank you for choosing me.

May you always be remembered in the hearts of others. You will always be cherished in my own.

I love you.

Rita said...

Julia Patience que estés en el lugar de mayor gozo y que seas una Luz que guíe desde el cielo a tus papás y los ayude a ser buenas personas y brindarse mutuo amor. Y ahora que sos un ángel sabrás que tu bisabuela Angela también te invoca cuando reza "àngel de la guarda, dulce compañìa no me desampares ni de noche ni de día".
Con mucho cariño para toda la familia. Gonzalo, Mariana, Rita y Paco

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for not writing sooner, it felt so intimate, and I didn't know you sweet girl while you lived in your mother's womb. I do however know your mother now, and know that she mourns you with an intensity that shakes the heavens.
Bless you little angel, and may your light always shine in your mommy and daddy's heart.

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