Tuesday, December 16, 2008


November 2007

It's taken me a long time to think of what to say to you. And for the months leading up until now the only words I could write down were, I am so sorry. But but recently I was driving in my car, listening to a song called Life in Technicolour, I feel as though you are sitting next to me, we have the windows down, and the wind in our hair, and we are driving... it doesn't matter where, just driving into the future together. And now that I look back on the year that has rolled past since we were together and I have found new words to replace those I previously had thought of.

Thank you.

Although I will always look back at that time as the hardest in my life, as I had to let you go, I now see it as a new beginning. I have realized that life is too short and you being in my life, although it was only momentary gave me the courage to make changes and go out by myself and appreciate my youth. I have had such an amazing year, and it is all because of you.

Thank-you for happening to
me and opening my eyes. Your are never far from my thoughts and I hope I am never far from yours, as I wouldn't be the same without you.

Loving you forever.... xoxoxo

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