Monday, December 15, 2008

Michael John Fitzgerald Haworth

Michael John Fitzgerald Haworth

Was born and received as an angel
into God's kingdom on February 3, 2008
in Chicago, IL USA.

We think about you and miss you terribly everyday. Mommy and Daddy long to hear your little cry and your sisters wish they could play with you. We love you.
Many people don't understand why we grieve so deeply for a baby who was only 6.5 inches and 4 oz. Then I remember Horton, an elephant who believes,

"A person is a person, no matter how small."
"Horton Hears a Who"


Anonymous said...

How beautifuly said.... people do not understand.

Isn't that amazing we both have our babies names in the sand at the same time.

I have been thinking of all of the moms I have met since June who are missing their babies this Christmas....

Love ya

Kathy said...

Hi! Jennifer let me know that you had also found this awesome blog and that your Michael's name was now written in the sand. How very beautiful.

It meant so much to me to have Molly's name written in the sand recently too. Anyway, sending lots healing thoughts and prayers your and your families way.

Love the Horton Hears a Who quote! I saw that movie when I was still pregnant with Molly and always think about the impact her short but very special life had on so many others, just like Michael and all of our precious angel babies.

Take care and God bless,
Kathy (from Beverly and Caring Connections)

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