Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Callum James Allan Park

Callum James Allan Park
twin brother of Macy
Callum was born sleeping at 37 weeks on 3 November 2007

To our darling angel Callum, in memory of never feeling the sun on your face and of a life never lived. With much love from Mummy, Daddy, Jake, Joshua, Darcy and your twin sister Macy.

My heart will always ache for you, forever my baby, til we meet again little one xxxx



sue said...

To Darling little Callum, your spirit will always be with us, we never had the chance to hold you but you are with us in our hearts for ever.God bless you Darling, sleep tight with the angels. lots of love from, Nana Sue,Grandad too, uncle David, uncle Adam and anty Bryony. xxxxxx

Traci Michele said...

Thank you for sharing your story. May God Bless YOU!


Iceman said...

Our Darling Grandson Callam. You are our shining Star which twinkles in the Sky and in our thoughts forever and a Day. you will never ever be forgotten. SLEEP TIGHT LITTLE ONE. God bless Love you Always.
Nanna Morgan and Grandad Bill.

Nicol Sali said...

Dear Callum, you were sent to your parents for just a short while as you were destined for much more. Unfortunately you did not get a chance to see this world, but I'm sure where ever your spirit is now, you are at peace and watching over your loved ones until you meet again. Callum, you will never be forgotten. Love Nicol, Sal, Allanah & Jacinta. XXXX

Dear Ang, you are truly an amazing person. Life has thrown you tragedy but with the support of your friends and family you have been able to keep going. Your children are very lucky to have you and I know that Callum is somewhere up there watching over you and helping you get through life. He is not living with you in body but he definitely lives on in spirit. Luv u babe. Nicol. XX

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to Callum Angela.
Always so unfair that he is not here growing up with Macy..and all of your family..
He lives forever in your heart Angela and in mine too, having shared all that we have.
Lots of love, Jenny, Pete and Emma. KxBx

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