Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Anna Sophia Olivia Turner

Anna Sophia Olivia Turner
Born still on the 3rd of July 2011

In loving memory of our precious angel who is forever in our hearts and never forgotten. We rejoice that we will see you again. You are inscribed on the palm of his hand...Isaiah 49:16


Mommy said...

Her name was written on Christians beach and the waters washed it to sea; but her name is inscribed on the palm of his hand and she dwells with him for eternity;
She waits for you to join her and asks the Lord, "when, Lord, will it be? He tells her "when the time is right, be patient child and you will soon see."
I cry for the books we will never read and the music we will never dance to and the flowers I'll never pick for her in the early morning dew;
But she will never know the pain of a broken heart, nor the evils of this world; nor what it means to be from Christ, torn apart
When your heart is heavy with burdens and your eyes are filled with tears, think of the next place you'll go and how grand it will be. You have a special angel there waiting, patiently for eternity. Love Mommy, Daddy, Devyn and Alex

Waverly Harkins said...

Sweet, beautiful Anna Sophia- I can't wait to meet you! I know that you are in a better place and that we will see you again someday, but know that you are greatly missed and greatly loved.
Love, your cousin, Waverly

Aunt Eva said...

Anna Sophia, as I look at your picture I think about how "fearfully and wonderfully" God truly made you. Out of my saddness in being unable to hold you on earth, I pray our family will have the spiritual eyes to see something beautiful as a result of your birth. You will always be remembered with the deepest affection. I love you little Anna Sophia.

Anonymous said...

Anna Sophia, I want you to know how many lives you have touched. You never got to meet your Aunt Amy but I loved you right from the moment I knew you were there. I had many plans for our future together; so many holidays and family gatherings. I will always think of you on those days, and even though I can't physically hold you or see your precious face, I know you are there. You will forever be a sweet, precious baby, full of innocence, untouched by the worldly realities we all know. I love you and miss you every single day. Love, Aunt Amy

Mom said...

I miss you every single day and can't wait to be with you again.

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