Friday, September 23, 2011

Chance Lester

Chance Lester
Born October 15th, 2007, Passed away October 15th 2007.
Calgary, Ab. Canada

October 15th, 2007, you were born into our family. You never took your first breath to exhale your first cry, but rest assured baby boy, this was done for you by your mom, and your dad. They say a picture says a thousand words, but a thousand tears will speak infinitely more. Your mom's tears tell a story of incredible love and unbearable pain. You see baby boy, as mothers we all share the same dreams. Before our babies take their first breath we imagine...

We imagine the first cries, and the first steps. We wonder about the first words, and what our child's laugh will sound like. We live your entire lifetime inside our own heads, within our own imaginations, before our baby's ever enter this world.

Your mommy dreamed of the day she could hold you, and kiss you, and cuddle your tiny body to hers. But she imagined your lungs would be full of deep and beautiful breaths. She imagined the cries they would expel and how it would be her arms that would be your comfort. Never in her wildest dreams would she imagine your body so still; or that your eyes would never seek hers. She could never imagine a world without you in it.

Her love for you will always imagine the life you should have had, a curse and a blessing, if ever there was one. You see because your life counts, it held impact, and on the day you meet again, maybe you can show her that all those dreams she had weren't wasted, and you lived them alongside her all those many years.

We love you Chance.


Lynnjefferson said...

Chance, you are our special angel that will always be with us in our hearts. We love you and will miss you always.

your great-aunty Lynn and
great-uncle Steve

Anonymous said...

Dear Chance,

I miss everyday the person you could have been; the friend my own son would have had, and known, and loved. My wish for you on your birthday is a moment of peace for your wonderful mother, and your courageous father.

We all love you so much.

Aunty Carrie, Uncle Scott, Cousin Gabe, Eden, and Preston.

Anonymous said...

Chance, a little soul that touched us all, you are loved

Great- Uncle Trent and Great- Aunty Cheryl

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