Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ahava Raisel Soltanovici

Ahava Raisel Soltanovici
Born March 27, 2012
to meet Mommy and Daddy.
Went to heaven to join her big brother born earlier in the day.
New Jersey, USA

Our sweet triplet angels. Our life will never be complete without you. I never thought I could love anything as much as I did on the day I got to meet the three of you. I long to hold you in my arms again and will never forget the precious few moments I got to spend with you.
Although our arms are empty, our hearts are filled with love for you.
Our little princess will be forever loved and missed.
Love Mommy and Daddy


Elizabeth in VA said...

My angel Rose grew her wings the same day. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I hope our angels are playing together on the clouds! Hugs to your family!

Ruth said...

Elizabeth - I hope you get to read this. You must be heaven sent. Ahava was named after my husband's grandmother (Elizabeth) and her Hebrew name Raisel means Rose. Our girls must be playing with each other in heaven! Hopefully she will let her brothers play as well!
Hugs and prayers to you and your family.

Elizabeth said...

Ruth, Isn't it amazing that in such a time of grief and loss that somehow strangers can provide such comfort? I know our girls are together, probably teasing your boys. :) Oh to know the things they are up to, I can only imagine! Finding out Rose had passed at 34 weeks was devastating but she has shared so much love with so many. I'm sure your sweet triplets have inspired the same in those who love you. Much love to you.

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