Monday, April 16, 2012

Vylette Moon Hakiki-Foust

Vylette Moon Hakiki-Foust
Born~November 28, 2011
Sent to Heaven~December 03, 2011

New York City, USA

Fly Vylette, Fly away high, Way past the Butterflies, So far up in the sky!
Those Angel Wings I still cannot yet reach, but as for now my Darling, here is your name on this beach. In Moonlight, In Starlight, In Sunset and Dawn...May the Breath of your Sweet Memory live Now and Forever on.. and on and on....


JusticeForVylette said...

~*Goodnight Vylette
Goodnight baby
Momma Loves her
Little Girl
Im so happy
that we made you
and brought you
into this world...

Dance on Moonbeams
Slide on Rainbows
In my heart you
will always be...
In my eyes
in my soul
always be my
Sweet Baby*~

Anonymous said...

How beautiful<3

Brandi said...

A beautiful beach for a beautiful Angel.

Mrs. Gloria Najera said...

hello Angel i think about you alot and it broke my heart what happen but when i see your picture it reminds me of peace and love and i want you to know we love you princess and i know your next to our father In Heaven fly high sweet angel Fly High <3

Jeanette said...

Simply breath taking
Rest in piece sweet angel

Elizabeth said...

Such a beautiful sunset for a beautiful angel.. R.I.P baby Vylette; you are loved by so many!

Tabitha said...

God, take care of this beautiful angel. vylettes mom, my heart is with you. You had a truely amazing and beautiful daughter. I hope you get justice for that little beauty.

Brenda said...

You and Vylette Moon are forever in my heart. Please remember that I am always here for you. <3

ruby from philippines said...

hi little are soo lucky to have a mom like yours cuz you are soo loved by her..God has His own reason why He sent you and was taken surely touched our lives in your own lil an angel to ur mom..she's a very strong woman..<3

Anonymous said...

so beautiful it just brings tears to my eyes she is truly at peace now

Anonymous said...

im sorry for your loss, maybe someone somewhere had other plans for your beautiful baby and it wasnt meant to be just yet. i think the people who were in charge of her birth should be convicted of murder. i understand the hurt that you must be going through, i have a little sister that was still born. my mom still feels the pain. and i still get depressed. her birthday is a hard time for all of us.

Heather said...

Pretty Pretty Angel. .Ur story Broke my heart You are Loved and missed by Ppl you would of never came contacted within ur lil life. .But we banned together now to seek justice for you vylette moon. ....

Anonymous said...

Your story broke my heart. May you be smiling and shining like the beautiful Angel you are. <3

Anonymous said...

You are remembered and loved by so many all over the world. You were an angel taken to soon. You beautiful little creature. Never forgotten, never aging always perfect in memory. We will get justice

Anonymous said...

may vylette rise with the sun & sleep with the moon until all our souls are reunites among the stars where we belong. together. <3 you mama

Anonymous said...

This is absolutly breathtaking and beautiful! Perfect for such a beautiful little angel

Anonymous said...

Rest easy beautiful girl! Your memory will live on forever in all the lives that you have touched.

Anonymous said...

R.I.P beautiful Angel,you will live on forever in the hearts and memories of many <3

Alissa said...

Rest in peace sweet angel. You are a beautiful spirit that warmed the hearts of many.

Erica said...

Tears in my eyes,
Love fills my heart.
YOUR mothers love,
sets itself apart.

Too many hearts broken,
while touching so many lives.
Your memory will lice on,
inside our crying eyes...

Praying for your justice!
A salvation it will be.

Your five short days of beauty.
Will never be forgotten.
You'll live within us all,
sweet, beautiful Vylette Moon.
Gone way too soon.

Keesha said...

So much luv for this sweet Angel baby!! Forever in my heart. U touched my soul deeply. <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Rest with angels little Vylette. May your mama get justice for what was done to you. Rest in peace little princess.

Erin said...

Such a beautiful tribute for such a beautiful angel. Know you have touched the lives of many people. God now has you in his arms to watch over your mother and father. Sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Dear god, please keep this sweet baby safe until she is with her mother again. Remind her everyday how much she is lives and missed. R.I.P baby Vylette.

mandy said...

Dear Vylette Moon......What a beautiful sunset you painted your mummy! Watch over her and keep her strong, you will be missed by so many people now as your mummy fights for justice for you.

Dear Vylette' mummy I hope this image can heal your pain if only for a second,I think of you everyday and my heart goes out to you xx

melanie said...

Sorry for your loss I love the memorial and memory in the sand set up for her. She is dancing in heaven. I bet she is so happy that u keep her name and story living. She would be proud of her momma. <3 :)

NycPunk13 said...

Dear little Vylette ♥~ I was looking forward to going to the park with you, getting you cute little gifts on holidays, taking you toy shopping, pampering you with cute little outfits, helping you to become a little Punk rocker :-) and being a good & fun influence in your life. I miss you so much even though I only knew you in the womb. You're still in my heart little sweetipie. You always will be. I know you're listening when i talk to you and you make me feel better. You are truly an angel. We will all see you sooner than we know. And we'll all have a great big party in your honor. Your Mommy is a special person. Keep sending her and all of us your love ♥ Love from your "Auntie" Annette

imtheatrical said...

Goodbye Vylette.
Fly away to happiness.
Your existence has taught me the meaning of true love.
I can see the love you get from your mother, your father and people in the hospital as well as the love you send to your mother through the signs.
Thank you angel Vylette. I'm only a stranger but I feel so closed to you and if only I could give you hug and kiss, I would give it to you with all my heart.
I pray that your momma and you will get the justice that you deserve.
I love you Vylette Moon, I really do.
A stranger in the island of god

Anonymous said...

Little Vylette, what an imprint you left on your mother's heart, forever there your mark! Now may it resonate with love and light, and lead all from the dark!

I know in my bones that this will not be the end, but a beginning of something deeply important as your memory guides those you left behind in new directions, inspired by the love and joy you were. May they live a path that reflects the joy and light I know you were to them, and spread that light through the world, in your honor.

Much love, peace, and light.


mari sophia said...

So beautiful... Vylette really deserves this gorgeous memorial.

Unknown said...

Beautiful angel baby.. you would have been such a blessing to the cruel crazy world we live in now. But boy were you loved in the few short days you were with your mommy and daddy. The love they had for you shines through in each picture and each word that they have posted. Fly high little angel girl.. may you always look down on your parents and keep them safe until they see you again

Anonymous said...

Hello sweet little girl

I found your page a few months ago and it touched you touched my deepest soul. I have attached a piece of my soul with you and you are in my heart where I keep things I love close. I ve talked with your mommy through messages. She seems so kind and strong. The pain I feel that you are not earthly is so very great and deep I cannot imagine your family s pain. I d do anything to change what happened. I would. But I can't. On February 19th I sat on my porch with tears. The sky was a soft lilac and the warmest winter breeze blew over my face. You are ok. You told me to be happy. I am amazed at this beautiful experience. Thank you. Your mommy has been so kind to message with me and her strength inspires me. I think you will always be in my heart little one. I know I will get to meet you one day. All my love to you and your family. Love Jill

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