Sunday, May 20, 2012

Opal Marie Zazueta

 Opal Marie Zazueta 
March 12, 2012
With us for 30 minutes.


We had big dreams for you. 
You held my hand. I sang.  We cried.  We loved!
We love you still...
You were welcomed into Heaven too early due to Trisomy 18.   


Melanie said...

One little life has changed so many. I may never understand why God took you so early from us. But I have peace that his plans are far bigger than mine! I look forward to meeting you some day.
Love, aunt Melly

Tina Zazueta said...

My beautiful little Angel, Opal Marie...I miss you! I think of you every many things make me think of you. This family will always hold you in our will never be forgotten. I want to thank you for coming to me in my dreams so that I can hold an image of a beautiful little girl with curly brown hair and blue eyes..I loved seeing you and I love knowing that you are cradled in the arms of Jesus. I look forward to the day that he can hand you to me and I will smother you with kisses. I love you and am so proud that you wer given my name...Opal Marie...HUGS AND KISSES FROM YOUR WAKA...

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