Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kate Anne Reilly

Kate Anne Reilly
December 21, 2012-January 7, 2011 

We love & miss you Kate

Emma Elizabeth Flynn

Emma Elizabeth Flynn 
 March 8, 2001-March 10, 2001

Sweet daughter of Peter & Lynn Flynn
Sister to Sam, Molly & Lucy

We love & miss you Emma

Jaxson Baker Pauch

Jaxson Baker Pauch
 was born on April 13, 2012 at 12:19pm, and passed away peacefully in his mother's arms at 2:10pm.


Our son had the heart of a lion. We will love and cherish the two hours he was here with us, and remember him in our hearts forever.

Anthony Peter Poulos

Anthony Peter Poulos  
Born sleeping 23rd March 2011
 Sydney Australia 

Our Angel may be gone, but he will never be forgotten.
He never made a footprint on this earth, but did in our hearts.
Your Mummy, Daddy & Big Brothers Athyn & Kye will make sure you are always remembered & always loved. You were too precious for this earth - until we meet again. xxx   

Ryan Caleb Nanz

Ryan Caleb Nanz 
Born July 5th 2012 Passed away July 5th 2012 

Like a diamond in the sky you will always shine my little star Ryan Caleb.   

Finley Arthur Sissons

Finley Arthur Sissons 
Born 23 March 2012 and died 26 March 2012. 
Born in Naples, Italy but daddy is British and Mummy is Canadian.    

"i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)"  

Mia Roance Wolfe

Mia Roance Wolfe 
Born December 6th, 2011 and received her Angel Wings March 19th, 2012 
Georgia, United States 

 Mark 10:16-
 "Then He took the children in His arms and placed His hands on their heads and blessed them." 

We love and miss you, Baby Butterfly.  Forever in our hearts...  

Evan Reak

Evan Reak 
November 1st, 2012  Miscarried at 16 weeks 
Minnesota, USA 

You will forever be in our hearts.  We love and miss you.  It broke our hearts to say goodbye ~ it breaks our hearts each day. You joined your sister Sam~ you two pray for us.  We love you so much Evan!
Mom, Dad, Gabrielle, and Gavin

My Lord, the baby is dead!

 Why, my Lord—dare I ask why? It will not hear the whisper of the wind or see the beauty of its parents’ face—it will not see the beauty of Your creation or the flame of a sunrise. Why, my Lord?

 “Why, My child—do you ask ‘why’? Well, I will tell you why.

 You see, the child lives. Instead of the wind he hears the sound of angels singing before My throne. Instead of the beauty that passes he sees everlasting Beauty—he sees My face. He was created and lived a short time so the image of his parents imprinted on his face may stand before Me as their personal intercessor. He knows secrets of heaven unknown to men on earth. He laughs with a special joy that only the innocent possess. My ways are not the ways of man. I create for My Kingdom and each creature fills a place in that Kingdom that could not be filled by another. He was created for My joy and his parents’ merits. He has never seen pain or sin. He has never felt hunger or pain. I breathed a soul into a seed, made it grow and called it forth.”

 I am humbled before you, my Lord, for questioning Your wisdom, goodness, and love. I speak as a fool—forgive me. I acknowledge Your sovereign rights over life and death. I thank You for the life that began for so short a time to enjoy so long an Eternity.                                                                                            
 --  Mother M. Angelica

Skye Louise Osborne

Skye Louise Osborne 
 Eyes opened 11th July 2011 - Eyes closed 16th July 2012 

 Wimborne Dorset  

Call me maybe 

Love Mum and Jake

Landon James Cherrone

Landon James Cherrone 
Born April 9,2012 Passed away June 28, 2012

Momma and Daddy miss and love you so much Lil' Dude! <3 br="">
So tiny,
So small,
So loved
By all.

Brendan Raymond Lewis

Brendan Raymond Lewis 
Born sleeping on May 17th 2012. 
California USA 

Love was the only thing our baby ever knew.

Keagan Duchesneau

Keagan Duchesneau 
Milwaukee, Wi 

Keagan, mama and daddy will always love you with all of our hearts. You snuck up on us but the footprint you left will remain in our hearts forever. Until we get to hold you in our arms. Love you Keagan.
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be!  

Ivan Ivanenko

Ivan Ivanenko  
Born February 7th, 2001
Passed away September 20th, 2001

 Manitoba, Canada

Forever in our hearts.

Katie Anne-Marie Colella

Katie Anne-Marie Colella 
Born 23rd April 2001, Died 26th April 2001 

Remembering my beautiful sweet Angel Katie every single day, 
I miss you more than words can say. 

All the love in the world,
 Mummy xxxxx 

Londyn Duchesneau

Londyn Duchesneau 
Milwaukee, Wi 
Londyn, mama and daddy will always love you and you will always be in our hearts. From the beginning you were special to us and until we get to hold you in our arms you will remain so.  Love you Little Bean.
Ill love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Baby McGahee

Baby McGahee 
Heaven - Summertime  
United States 

You are valued, precious, and important. You will forever be loved and missed by me, my cousin. We all wish we could have known you. In Heaven, we will!

Love Always, HR
"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

 ~Psalm 139:13-14  

Baby Corley

Baby Corley  
Heaven - 1993 
United States  

You are valued, precious, and important. You will forever be loved and missed by me, my cousin. We all wish we could have known you. In Heaven, we will!

Love Always, HR

"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
~Psalm 139:13-14

Baby Bain

Baby Bain  
Heaven - 1976 
United States 

You are valued, precious, me and to God. You will forever be loved and missed by me, my cousin.

Love Always, HR
"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~Psalm 139:13-14 

Layne Grace Gaston

Layne Grace Gaston 
October 14, 2010 - November 19, 2010
United States 

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.    My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.    Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 

(Psalm 139:13-16 NIV)  

Gia Elizabeth Godar

Gia Elizabeth Godar 
Born sleeping the day before her due date on August 28 2012. 

Florida USA 

I love you my sweet wildflower! Fly high baby girl!

Lucy Marie

Lucy Marie 
Heaven Day - December 29, 2009 
United States 

Dandelion, Lucy

I once had a Dandelion, Lucy.
That I held so very near.
One day though, I let her go.
And now I Miss her Dear.

I gave her the name, Lucy.
And I mourned for her for years.
For what I once thought was a weed,
Had caused so many tears.

Tears. And tears. And tears.
I fell down to my knees.
Lord, deliver me!

For each seed would have made a difference
Now they are all gone.

Lord please help me fill this hole.
Let me fix what I have done.

I can't.
My Dandelion is gone.
Never to return to me.
But I will go to her.

*If I had one wish, I would wish for you, Dear Lucy.*

Kaylee Marie Schoonmaker

Kaylee Marie Schoonmaker
  Born sleeping on March 12, 2012 
 New York 

I never got to hear you laugh
you never saw me cry
didnt get a chance to say "Hello"
you never said "Goodbye"
I didn't think that I could feel
so sad, lost and forlorn.
I never knew God chose his Angels
before some of them were born.
Your life was short yet special
I shared it all exclusively
I felt you breathe, I felt you kick.
You were alive inside of me.
Every baby is an Angel
and every angel is divine
God needed one in heaven
He came down and took mine
And although we are not together
we're not really apart
for you'll always occupy a space
deep within my heart.
Time has begun to ease my pain
It's only some days now I cry.
When I wish I could have said "Hello"
and heard you say "Goodbye" 

Andrew Thomas Elliott

Andrew Thomas Elliott 
Born September 3, 2012
Forever sleeping September 6, 2012
United States 

If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you. 

Ethan Thomas Fong

Ethan Thomas Fong
 Born December 4th, 2010 and Passed December 5th, 2010 
South Orange, NJ, USA 

Wishing you and your brother were in my arms, not just my heart.

William Patrick Fong

William Patrick Fong 
Born and Passed December 4th, 2010 
South Orange, NJ, USA 

Wishing you and your brother were in my arms, not just my heart.

Samuel Earl Elliott

Samuel Earl Elliott
Born September 3, 2012
Forever sleeping September 25, 2012
United States 

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy, when skies are grey,
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.

Everett Christopher Delmar

Everett Christopher Delmar  
April 18, 2012 
Rosenberg, Texas, USA 

Our precious son, God blessed us with you in so many ways. Though you were only with us for a short time and you went home to our Lord before you were born, you changed our lives forever, for now we know the love that only parents can have for their children. We look forward to being reunited with you in Heaven. Until then, our love, we miss you so, so much. May Jesus keep you wrapped in His arms. We love you, our sweet Everett.

Emerson Robert Black

Emerson Robert Black  
Born March 25th, 2012
Passed away May 8, 2012
USA, Manchester, NY 
"Some people only dream of angels, we held one in our arms"
You were truely a miracle and a gift from God.  We miss you so much but you will live through the eyes of your other triplet siblings, Landon & Sydney.   For the 8 weeks you were with us, you were such a little inspiration to us all! We love you "Little E"!

Mommy,Daddy,Olivia, Landon, & Sydney  

Monday, January 28, 2013

Celia Jane Wolfe-Weiner

Celia Jane Wolfe-Weiner 
She came and left on October 2, 2012 
Ferndale, MI, United States of America 
To, Celia, my forever baby
I put your name in the sand but the waves will wash it away.
So I have put your name in my heart and forever it will stay.
With unmeasurable love from your forever mother.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Baby Kelly

Baby Kelly 

 No one could ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.    

Layla Marie Meredith

Layla Marie Meredith
Passed June 15,2012 
Born sleeping June 20,2012 
New Jersey

 Fly high our beautiful angel! words can't express how much we love & miss you!
Mommy & Daddy

Aria Janea Watson

Aria Janea Watson 
Born sleeping on August 11, 2012
 Baton Rouge, LA USA 

Aria, we miss you more and more every day.   Please keep watching over us until your daddy and I can hold you in our arms again.

We love you, butterfly!
~ Mommy, Daddy, Big Sister, Big Brother

Liam Blake Meredith

Liam Blake Meredith 
Born & passed January 2,2012    
New Jersey    

Happy 1st Birthday Liam Blake.
love & miss you every day!
Mommy & Daddy

Jace Glenn Bolck

Jace Glenn Bolck 
Born 9th August 2012.
Passed away 6 hours later with Mummy & Daddy by his side.
  Queensland, Australia  

They say there is a reason,
They say that time will heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Will change the way we feel,
Few people know the heartache,
That lies behind our smiles,
Few know how many times,
We've broken down and cried,
We want to tell you something,
So there won't be any doubt,
You're so wonderful to think of,
But so hard to be without.

Grayson V Schratwieser

Grayson V Schratwieser 
Sunrise - September 25th 2012
Sunset - September 25th 2012

   York, Pennsylvania  

Your our super hero!

Celine Rafaela Suero

Celine Rafaela Suero 
 Went on to heaven on September 10th, 2012. 
York, Pennsylvania 

Our sweet baby girl; we miss you so much! It's so hard without you here. You made us the happiest parents in the whole world from the moment we found out about you. We know you're in heaven now with God and the angels. We know that Mary is caring for you the same way that Mama would have if you could have stayed. Now you have great grandparents and 1 or 2 aunts or uncles, and even tiny baby cousins that we're sure are there with you. We can't wait for the day when we can see you. No matter how tiny and how young you were, we always knew how important and special you are. You still are the greatest miracle of our lives and will always be our first baby. You were always too beautiful and precious and heavenly for this earth. But we'll miss you for the rest of our lives. Mama and Daddy love you so much, Celine. 

Asher Daniel Wheturangi Mainey

Asher Daniel Wheturangi Mainey 
27th September 2012 
New Zealand 
Forever in our hearts. 

Pip Colliton

Pip Colliton 
Grew her angel wings on the 6th of November, 2012.
Perth, WA 

To our Darling Pip. You didn't make it into this world, but you certainly filled our hearts. On this day, you grew your Angel wings and went to play with all the other Angel Babies somewhere over the rainbow. We will love you always and forever. Love Mummy, Daddy and Noah xx   

Wyatt Michael Forgey

Wyatt Michael Forgey
 Silently born on April 25th, 2012. 
Cedar Hill, Tennessee 

"A moment in our arms, forever in our hearts."

Lexi Belle Carroll

Lexi Belle Carroll 
Born 29th October 2007
Died 29th October 2007
The stars are coming out tonight, they're lighting up the sky tonight...for you 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Laura Pauline Madden

Laura Pauline Madden 
Born 20th April 2012 Died 22nd April 2012 

We only held you for a short time, but you will be in our hearts forever xxx   

Amelia Hope Head-Gorton

Amelia Hope Head-Gorton 

Or little fighter...

Ella Clare and Jack Bradley Geraghty

Ella Clare and Jack Bradley Geraghty
Born sleeping on 14 September 2012 

Brisbane, Australia 

Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imaging
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heavens love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again

Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forevermore
But hold this memory bittersweet
Until we meet

Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget

Fly, fly little wing
Fly only where angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light

Love and miss you always
Mummy, Daddy and Mason 


Stijn Frederix

Stijn Frederix
 Born with wings on July 24, 2011 


We will forever miss you, little angel.   

Charlotte Laura Jelinek

Charlotte Laura Jelinek
  Born into heaven February 26, 2007. 
Utah, United States 

Baby girl, we miss you every day. We think of you when we see stars, butterflies, the color purple. Mommy carried you for 9 months, and six years later, I still cannot let go. You are the best friend of your sister's heart. She talks about you every day. She tells the world about her sister, she makes sure that no one will ever forget you. We could never forget you. Our first, our always angel. We love you.   

Charis Rebekah Houser Perry

Charis Rebekah Houser Perry 
Born sleeping December 3rd 2010 
Missouri, USA 

You were so tiny but my love for you is huge. I'm glad God allowed me to have you, even if it was for just a short time. The months I carried you, I dreamed of our future with your daddy who was so excited about you, and your brother who was aloof as most teenagers are. I planned how to decorate your room and could just imagine how beautiful and sweet you would be as a little girl in your flower garden. I'm sure you would have been quite a handful being a combination of your dad and me though I would have loved every minute. I wanted you for so long. My heart has ached for you for years and years before you even came and it will ache until the day I see you again. I look forward to the day that I will meet you in Heaven my precious Charis. I love you and remember you everyday.   

Roan René van der Ploeg

Roan RenĂ© van der Ploeg 
Passed away August 25th Born August 29th 

Lost you before I found you
Gone before you came
But I love you just the same
Missed you before I met you
On earth we never can
But in heaven we'll meet again

Kyle Robert Hellem-Weno

Kyle Robert Hellem-Weno 
Born May 4, 1991. Passed Away May 11, 2011 
My amazing blue eyed baby boy FOREVER & EVER ALWAYS TOGETHER. I love you & miss you so much. I wait for the day that the pain in my heart isn't so fresh, so new. I will forever keep you in my heart & will always be looking for you.  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Patricia Ward

Patricia Ward 
Melbourne, Victoria 

Born an angel. Forever in our hearts and never forgotten