Thursday, September 30, 2010
Gage Michael
Hazel Gillian Rae Flower Smith

Hazel Gillian Rae Flower Smith
Born Sleeping May 23rd, 2010
United States
Hazel, my love we all miss you so very much. You took a piece of each of us when you went on to Heaven. My hope is that you are resting in the arms of our Heavenly Father and playing at the feet of Pa-Pa and Aunt Jenni. My precious baby girl, I can't wait till the day I hold you again.
Love always, Mama
Born Sleeping May 23rd, 2010
United States
Hazel, my love we all miss you so very much. You took a piece of each of us when you went on to Heaven. My hope is that you are resting in the arms of our Heavenly Father and playing at the feet of Pa-Pa and Aunt Jenni. My precious baby girl, I can't wait till the day I hold you again.
Love always, Mama
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunset Remembrance Ceremony For Families In Perth

We would like to invite all babylost families of Western Australia to our first ever Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Ceremony.
6pm - 7:30pm
Friday October 15th 2010
Tom Simpson Park, Mullaloo Beach, Oceanside Promenade, Mullaloo 6027
Please bring with you a jacket in case it is a bit chilly and a blanket or chairs to sit on. Please feel welcome to bring a photo of your baby/ies or anything special that you have that reminds you of them.
We will be gathering at the park at 6pm and we will make our way down to the seashore to commence the ceremony at 6:15pm
We will be throwing flowers and petals into the surf along with a few other special things that we would like to keep as a surprise.
There will be a light supper provided after the ceremony.
Please note that this event is weather permitting and we would ask you to check back here or our facebook page on the day of the event to see if there have been any changes made.
There is ample free parking right next to the park.
We hope that you can join us.
Please RSVP to Carly by email at carlydudley@live.com or if you are on facebook you can do so here. Make sure you join our Perth Babylost Friendship Group too!
With love and peace to you and yours,
Carly and Sam Dudley
6pm - 7:30pm
Friday October 15th 2010
Tom Simpson Park, Mullaloo Beach, Oceanside Promenade, Mullaloo 6027
Please bring with you a jacket in case it is a bit chilly and a blanket or chairs to sit on. Please feel welcome to bring a photo of your baby/ies or anything special that you have that reminds you of them.
We will be gathering at the park at 6pm and we will make our way down to the seashore to commence the ceremony at 6:15pm
We will be throwing flowers and petals into the surf along with a few other special things that we would like to keep as a surprise.
There will be a light supper provided after the ceremony.
Please note that this event is weather permitting and we would ask you to check back here or our facebook page on the day of the event to see if there have been any changes made.
There is ample free parking right next to the park.
We hope that you can join us.
Please RSVP to Carly by email at carlydudley@live.com or if you are on facebook you can do so here. Make sure you join our Perth Babylost Friendship Group too!
With love and peace to you and yours,
Carly and Sam Dudley
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Samuel Clynes

Samuel Clynes
Born sleeping 18th June 2007 at 16 weeks.
There's a sadness in my heart,
That wasn't there before,
There's an emptiness that nothing can ever fill.
For my perfect little boy
Was taken far too soon,
And I am left with shattered dreams - unfulfilled.
You were so loved and wanted,
A child to complete our souls,
A babe to make our family pure and whole.
But all too soon you were taken,
We could only say goodbye,
No hellos or warm welcomes to great your soul.
Never will we see you
Take your first tiny steps
Or grow into the man you would become.
There's an emptiness, a sadness,
For the things that should have been,
And I am left alone in sorrow - overcome.
You will never know your brother,
Climb a tree or hug your dad,
A mothers warm embrace you'll never know.
For there's a family that loves you,
And so wanted you to stay,
But the angels now in heaven hold you so.
Even though you were with us,
For the shortest of all time,
Of this family you will always be a part.
But the emptiness and sadness,
Only you could ever fill,
Is now etched forever in my heart.
By Kylie Clynes
In memory of her perfect boy 2007
Born sleeping 18th June 2007 at 16 weeks.
There's a sadness in my heart,
That wasn't there before,
There's an emptiness that nothing can ever fill.
For my perfect little boy
Was taken far too soon,
And I am left with shattered dreams - unfulfilled.
You were so loved and wanted,
A child to complete our souls,
A babe to make our family pure and whole.
But all too soon you were taken,
We could only say goodbye,
No hellos or warm welcomes to great your soul.
Never will we see you
Take your first tiny steps
Or grow into the man you would become.
There's an emptiness, a sadness,
For the things that should have been,
And I am left alone in sorrow - overcome.
You will never know your brother,
Climb a tree or hug your dad,
A mothers warm embrace you'll never know.
For there's a family that loves you,
And so wanted you to stay,
But the angels now in heaven hold you so.
Even though you were with us,
For the shortest of all time,
Of this family you will always be a part.
But the emptiness and sadness,
Only you could ever fill,
Is now etched forever in my heart.
By Kylie Clynes
In memory of her perfect boy 2007
Hope and Angel

Born sleeping @ 23weeks gest - 9th June 2001

Early m/c @ 7weeks gest - 16th Oct 2009
Fly high my girls & watch over your family 4 ever.
Born sleeping @ 23weeks gest - 9th June 2001

Early m/c @ 7weeks gest - 16th Oct 2009
Fly high my girls & watch over your family 4 ever.
Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew
Baby #4
Wright family...
Was due to be born 15th December 2010 but lost our little angel 17th May 2010.
We love you so very much and you will always be apart of our family. I know you will be kept safe in Jesus' arms and look forward to the day we get to be with you again in Heaven...
I hold dear to my heart the vision God gave me of you, with your cute blonde bobbed hair and pretty blue eyes, dancing in a cute purple dress and smiling...
Thank-you Jesus for giving me peace my little princess is happy with you...
Lots of love, Daddy, Mummy, Arielle, Nathaniel, Josiah and bub in mum's tummy, little 'Sunkist'. xxxxx
Baby #4
Wright family...
Was due to be born 15th December 2010 but lost our little angel 17th May 2010.
We love you so very much and you will always be apart of our family. I know you will be kept safe in Jesus' arms and look forward to the day we get to be with you again in Heaven...
I hold dear to my heart the vision God gave me of you, with your cute blonde bobbed hair and pretty blue eyes, dancing in a cute purple dress and smiling...
Thank-you Jesus for giving me peace my little princess is happy with you...
Lots of love, Daddy, Mummy, Arielle, Nathaniel, Josiah and bub in mum's tummy, little 'Sunkist'. xxxxx

Born sleeping 11 December 2007
They say there is a reason,
They say that time will heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Will change the way I feel,
For no-one knows the heartache,
That lies behind our smiles,
No-one knows how many times,
We have broken down and cried,
We want to tell you something,
So there won't be any doubt,
You're so wonderful to think of,
But so hard to be without.
~Author Unknown
Born sleeping 11 December 2007
They say there is a reason,
They say that time will heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Will change the way I feel,
For no-one knows the heartache,
That lies behind our smiles,
No-one knows how many times,
We have broken down and cried,
We want to tell you something,
So there won't be any doubt,
You're so wonderful to think of,
But so hard to be without.
~Author Unknown
Allison Hannah Kizer

Allison Hannah Kizer
Born sleeping October 29th, 2006
San Diego, CA
A moment in our arms, a lifetime in our hearts
You were loved from the moment I learned I was pregnant with you. My love for you has only gotten stronger. I know you are with God, waiting for us to join you.
I cherish the time we spent together, in my womb and then in my arms. We had to say goodbye to you, but it is not goodbye forever. We will be reunited.
Until the day that we meet again, you will be dearly missed. We will always love you and will never forget you.
Mommy, Daddy, baby brother Andrew, and baby sister Madelyn
Born sleeping October 29th, 2006
San Diego, CA
A moment in our arms, a lifetime in our hearts
You were loved from the moment I learned I was pregnant with you. My love for you has only gotten stronger. I know you are with God, waiting for us to join you.
I cherish the time we spent together, in my womb and then in my arms. We had to say goodbye to you, but it is not goodbye forever. We will be reunited.
Until the day that we meet again, you will be dearly missed. We will always love you and will never forget you.
Mommy, Daddy, baby brother Andrew, and baby sister Madelyn
Sophie Iris McKay

Sophie Iris McKay
Born November 9th 2007
Took the hand of an Angel December 3rd 2007
If I had known the way that this would end –
If I had read the last page first,
If I had had the strength to walk away,
If I had known how this world hurt….
I would’ve loved you anyway.
...I’d do it all the same.
Not a second I would change,
Not a touch that I would trade,
Had I known my heart would break…
I would love you anyway.
Born November 9th 2007
Took the hand of an Angel December 3rd 2007
If I had known the way that this would end –
If I had read the last page first,
If I had had the strength to walk away,
If I had known how this world hurt….
I would’ve loved you anyway.
...I’d do it all the same.
Not a second I would change,
Not a touch that I would trade,
Had I known my heart would break…
I would love you anyway.