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Monday, February 9, 2009

Laurence Leclerc

Laurence Leclerc
Birth October 26th 2008
Passed away: My daughter was already asleep in the arms of angel, an angel herself, when she is born in term of pregnency (40 weeks less two days). She cames back to her, while the resuscitation was given to her (her pulse, but she never breath by herself). She's been with us only 1:12 minutes, maintened in life artificially and trying to resusciate her.
Drummondville (Canada)

you are my angel now. I know you are with us (Daddy and Mummy) but in a way I could not never have imagine. I hope I'll learn from your brief passage on our lives in this earth. You are my reason to fight and to survive. You are my lights in the darkness, you are the sparkling stars high above in the sky, you are my sun shining that warm up my hearts, you are my faith, you are my proud and my joy and you represent a lots more for me. You eternal life, and I can wait to see you again. You are minds and ours.
Daddy and Mummy loves you for eternity.

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Anonymous said...

Quel bel hommage à Laurence! Votre petit ange aura passé beaucoup trop vite mais toujours nous nous souviendrons d'elle. Je suis de tout coeur avec vous dans cette épreuve.

Thank you Carly for making this possible.