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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

James Phillip Schaub

9 Send Your Love Here:

Anonymous said...

I Love you Jamie and think of you everyday. I hope that you are up above playing with your cousins Kellen and Reily. I often wonder what you'd be like today. I will hold you in heaven someday sweet angel. Love, Auntie Jillian

Anonymous said...

Baby boy,

I miss you every day & would give anything to have you here with us. I hope you are watching over us little angel. Someday I will see you and hold you again. Love, Mom.

Anonymous said...

Our love is with you everyday. We miss you very much. Hope you, Kellen and Reily are having fun together. Someday we will all be together.
Love, Grandma & Grandpa Schaub

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I can't believe its been 12 years. I often think of what you would be like now. Love and miss you lots.
Love Grandma Mary

Anonymous said...

Today you would be 13. We miss you so much! We think about you every day and wish you were here with us. Happy Birthday Baby Boy!


Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

James, We love you and miss you every day.
Grandma & Grandpa S.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you, James. Hard to believe we've been missing you for 15 years. I will hold you in my heart forever sweet boy.
All my love, Aunt Jill

Jillian Leigh said...

Thinking of you, can't believe you have been gone almost 17 years. I love and miss you everyday. You made me an aunt and will always hold a piece of my heart until we meet in heaven, love you sweet boy.
Aunt Jillian

Jillian Leigh said...

Happy Birthday Jamie! We love you <3 <3
Ryan, Jill and boys