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Friday, November 16, 2012

Alliah Alta Dawn Smith

Alliah Alta Dawn Smith 
Born August 31st 2009 Passed away May 27th 2012

There's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me   

Natalie Kathryn Johnson

Natalie Kathryn Johnson  
Born on March 30, 1998. 
Passed away December 1, 2009.
Illinois, United States 

When An Angel Goes To Heaven

When an angel goes to Heaven God stands with open arms to cradle and to comfort her, to keep her safe from harm.

When an angel goes to Heaven precious memories are left behind. Of innocence, warmth and that special smile forever in your mind.

When an angel goes to Heaven she tells of wonderful times. How Mommy, Daddy, Sisters, and family were loving and so very kind.

When an angel goes to Heaven she misses your gentle touch She asks God to be sure to tell you she loves you very much.

When an angel goes to Heaven she asks even one more request that God will comfort those she loved and to know she's with the best.

When an angel goes to Heaven a part of you goes too.
Knowing you will be joined with her again, when your journey here is through.

written by: Daliah McBride 

Wilson Khue Vang

Wilson Khue Vang 
Minnesota, USA

Dear Wilson,

Life after you became so empty and lost.  Instead of looking forward to the days, I looked forward to the nights when I would dream of you.

Because of you, I am no longer afraid of death, for you showed me the light and told me not to be afraid.  In my dreams, you look just like your brother.  And just like him, you are the cutest and sweetest boy who loves his mommy very much.  I hope that someday we will all be together again.



"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people stay for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same."
 - Flavia

Ellis Heath Jordan

Ellis Heath Jordan 
He only lived a life filled with love.
August 17-19, 2011
Virginia, USA

Journey’s End
by JRR Tolkien

In western lands beneath the Sun
The flowers may rise in Spring,
The trees may bud, the waters run,
The merry finches sing.
Or there maybe 'tis cloudless night,
And swaying branches bear
The Elven-stars as jewels white
Amid their branching hair.

Though here at journey's end I lie
In darkness buried deep,
Beyond all towers strong and high,
Beyond all mountains steep,
Above all shadows rides the Sun
And Stars for ever dwell:
I will not say the Day is done,
Nor bid the Stars farewell.

keano herzeel


 keano herzeel 
born 15 september 2006
passed 21 december 2006

ik mis je klein ventje

mama broers en zussen zullen je nooit vergeten de herinnering aan jou blijft leven alof het net gisteren was ik wacht op het moment dat we elkaar terug zullen zien hou van jou mama broers en zusjes  x x x  

kenji herzeel

kenji herzeel
born 10 januari 2006
passed 12 januari 2006

 i will always love you my sweet baby angel i miss you so so much


Sunday 29th July, Passed Sunday 29th July

 For our dearest and most special friends, your beautiful blonde curly haired bubba, now an angel in the sky with his poppy.

Tayton-Grace Austin

Tayton-Grace Austin 

I will love you untill the seas run dry, wait for me my gorgeous girl.

Tom Travis Southern

Tom Travis Southern
 Born sleeping on the 8th March 2012
   Warriewood, Sydney Australia 

An Angel in the Book of Life
Wrote down your Baby's Birth
And whispered as he closed the Book
"Too Beautiful for this Earth"

Abigail Claire Payne

Abigail Claire Payne 
Died February 2nd 2011, Born Still with her twin sister Tabitha, June 24th, 2011.


Forever loved and missed, our precious Abigail Claire. Your mommy, daddy and twin sister Tabitha love you so much and will remember you always and forever.

Gabriel Aldaz

Gabriel Aldaz  
Born July 21st, 2012 Passed away July 21st, 2012
Washington, USA

Gabriel- Mi niño hermoso siempre viviras en mi.

Joseph Karol Skulley

Joseph Karol Skulley 
Into our arms April 19th, 2011

You are a gift from God.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Theodore Lolek Skulley

Theodore Lolek Skulley 
Into our arms July 27th 2012

You are a gift from God.