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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Eden Serenity Notley

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Mommy said...

Eden, you celebrated your 4th birthday in Heaven yesterday. I know the angels were sharing in your celebration as you played and danced with Jesus. You'll forever be our glory baby.

How you are missed, how you are loved, how you are cherished. Until we're reunited in Heaven, please know that we think of you all the time and we love you so very much!

Forever in our hearts,
Mommy, Daddy and your little brothers Liam and Owen.

Michelle said...

Dear Sweet Eden,

Just wanted you to know that Mommy was thinking of you again today, as I do most every day.

Missing you so, remembering you fondly, wish I was holding your sweetness in my arms once more.

Dance with the Angels, play with Jesus and watch over us daily.

Your ever loving Mommy...