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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dakota Joe Lane

5 Send Your Love Here:

rbumgarner said...

Dakota, You were such a sweet little boy. Sorry your time here was cut so short. You are very missed by your Aunt Becca! I Love You!

Heather Stewart said...

This is so beautiful.. It made me cry. Sleep well little Kota.. we miss you! xx

Dorothy Ford said...

We love and miss you Little Joe you always made us smile! I will never forget your smile and your laugh! You are in our hearts forever! Love Uncle Corey and Aunt Dot

spanky1 said...

Kota, you live on in our hearts. we will never forget you and certainly never stop loving you. KUMBAYA papa J.

Anonymous said...

Dakota,,your life being cut so short was a tragedy that struck our town , as a whole, very hard! We are so sorry for not having you here on earth but I hope your days in heaven are filled with sunshine and laughter for eternity! hugs!

Teresa Fairchild