Baby Girl Waldeck
Went to Heaven October 9th, 2008
at 15 weeks into pregnancy
Scranton, PA, USA
For those few weeks--
I had you to myself
And that seems too short a time
to be changed so profoundly.
In those few weeks--
I came to know you
and to love you.
You came to trust me with your life.
Oh, what a life I had planned for you!
Just those few weeks--
When I lost you.
I lost a lifetime of hopes,
plans, dreams, and aspirations...
A slice of my future simply vanished overnight.
Just those few weeks--
It wasn't enough time to convince others
how special and important you were.
How odd, a truly unique person has recently died
and no one is mourning the passing.
Just a mere few weeks--
And no "normal" person would cry all night
over a tiny, unfinshed baby,
or get depressed and withdrawn day after endless day.
No one would, so why am I?
You were just those few weeks my little one
you darted in and out of my life too quickly.
But it seems that's all the time you needed
to make my life so much richer
and give me a small glimpse of eternity.
by Susan Erling Martinez
We never got to meet you, we never got to feel you, we only saw your heart beating inside of me and it was love at first sight.
Mommy & Daddy think about you every day and we love you sweet baby girl.
You'll always be our first baby. Our baby who was conceived on our wedding night♥
Love, Mommy, Daddy, & your new baby sister Juliette
Went to Heaven October 9th, 2008
at 15 weeks into pregnancy
Scranton, PA, USA
For those few weeks--
I had you to myself
And that seems too short a time
to be changed so profoundly.
In those few weeks--
I came to know you
and to love you.
You came to trust me with your life.
Oh, what a life I had planned for you!
Just those few weeks--
When I lost you.
I lost a lifetime of hopes,
plans, dreams, and aspirations...
A slice of my future simply vanished overnight.
Just those few weeks--
It wasn't enough time to convince others
how special and important you were.
How odd, a truly unique person has recently died
and no one is mourning the passing.
Just a mere few weeks--
And no "normal" person would cry all night
over a tiny, unfinshed baby,
or get depressed and withdrawn day after endless day.
No one would, so why am I?
You were just those few weeks my little one
you darted in and out of my life too quickly.
But it seems that's all the time you needed
to make my life so much richer
and give me a small glimpse of eternity.
by Susan Erling Martinez
We never got to meet you, we never got to feel you, we only saw your heart beating inside of me and it was love at first sight.
Mommy & Daddy think about you every day and we love you sweet baby girl.
You'll always be our first baby. Our baby who was conceived on our wedding night♥
Love, Mommy, Daddy, & your new baby sister Juliette
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Dear Cassie and Jeff,
That was absolutely beautiful, you didn't cry alone!
God bless your little family with all the best things God has for you!
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