Samuel David Owens
Born November 18th 2009 at 7:20pm weighing 5 lbs 15oz
Fell asleep in the arms of his Dad and Mom January 29th, 2010
and awoke in the safe embrace of his Heavenly Father.
Iowa USA
Our courageous and beautiful baby boy.
You had tiny hands and tiny feet,
With soft brown eyes for us to greet.
Your strong grip around our fingers,
Only beckoned us to linger.
So, we stayed right by your side,
As you conquered every stride.
And The Lord gave you strength,
Until your life reached it's length.
How we only longed for you to stay,
Pleading with God as countless prayed.
That He would heal your broken heart,
So from us you wouldn't have to part.
But God took you Home with Him,
No more bound by earth's curse of sin.
Though we must say goodbye,
We know God's children never really die.
And some sweet day, because we trust in Him
We will have the blessing of holding you again.
We love you our sweet, sweet precious little boy.
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Your words made me well up. I hope your little boy is having fun in heaven with my little girl.
I miss you so much my sweet little Sam. Mommy's not doing very good without you.
It's beautiful Joy
Oh Joy! This is beautiful! I didn't realize what this was all about when I first saw the image on your profile - What a wonderful image ~ our God, who knows the number of the grains of sand, most certainly knows those created in His image ~ praying always for you to feel God's peace...
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