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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Luisa Marianna Wofford

Luisa Marianna Wofford
Born January 25, 2011, Passed away January 25, 2011
United States, Topeka, KS

Our sweet baby Luisa......words can't express how much our hearts hurt. We would give anything just to have had the opportunity to hear you take one singular breath. You are our light, our dream come true, and we take comfort in knowing that you are in god's hands now. We thank you for giving us the joy and pride that we got to experience in the 9 months we got to spend with you while you were in mommy's tummy. We want you to know that you are loved and cherished by all. We only wish that we could turn back the hands of time and have the ability to experience your first breath, first cry, first smile, first frown, first diaper change, first temper tantrum, first word, first step, first everything.....we would give anything just to be able to look into your pretty eyes just one time....just know that we love you with all our hearts and soul and will spend everyday of our lives loving you and honoring your memory. Spending these past few days with you brings us comfort and gives us a little bit of peace in our heart. We hurt knowing that you never got to see how many
people love you and were looking forward to meeting you. You are our angel and we promise you when we finally get to meet you are going to see the daddy, mommy and sister that we yearn to be... We love you, miss you, and will honor you and thank of you every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

Continue to be our beautiful angel.....we love you so very much!

With All Our Love
Daddy, Mommy, and Lyrique

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Laurie Valdivia said...

Good morning. I had to come and see baby Luisa's picture : ) it is so beautiful and breath taking I was speachless. What an angel Mrs. Dudley is. I'm so glad that you are finding a little piece and working postitively through this tribulation. I want you to know that I am so very proud of you and Lari there is so much grace, love and admiration between the 2 of you. It pains me to see you 2 go through this. But just like you said before God must have some reason for this. I pray that the plans that he has for you both are so huge and wonderful that we can all look back and rejoice for the many belessings he has given and will continue to give, the good blessings and the hard to get through blessings because I feel like for some reason the hard to get through blessings are to make us stronger even though its hard not to question and still keep our faith (I Always have to pray on that). I have always felt that we are so blessed to have such a big and loving family and you know that we are all rooting and cheering you on and no matter what we will always love you both through the good and the bad. You both are an inspiration.

With Lots of Love and Prayers,