Thursday, February 25, 2010
Chase Gabriel Strader

Chase Gabriel Strader
Born January 18, 2010
Passed away January 18, 2010
United States
"I'll lend you for a little time
a child of mine" He said,
"for you to love
the whole while he lives"
He may be six or seven years
or twenty-two or three,
but will you till I call him back
take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charm to gladden you
and should his stay be brief
you'll have his lovely memories
as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay
since all from earth return
but there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn.
I've looked this wide world over
in my search for teachers true,
and from the things that crowd life's lane
I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love
not through the labor vain
Nor hate me when I come to call
and take him back again."
I fancied that I heard them say
"Dear lord, thy will be done,"
for all the joy the child shall bring
the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness
We'll love him while we may
and for the happiness we have known
forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him
much sooner than we planned
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
and try to understand.
~ Anonymous
Born January 18, 2010
Passed away January 18, 2010
United States
"I'll lend you for a little time
a child of mine" He said,
"for you to love
the whole while he lives"
He may be six or seven years
or twenty-two or three,
but will you till I call him back
take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charm to gladden you
and should his stay be brief
you'll have his lovely memories
as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay
since all from earth return
but there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn.
I've looked this wide world over
in my search for teachers true,
and from the things that crowd life's lane
I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love
not through the labor vain
Nor hate me when I come to call
and take him back again."
I fancied that I heard them say
"Dear lord, thy will be done,"
for all the joy the child shall bring
the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness
We'll love him while we may
and for the happiness we have known
forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him
much sooner than we planned
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
and try to understand.
~ Anonymous
Emelia Marie

Emelia Marie
Born Sleeping
May 6th 2008
The world may never notice
If a plant doesn't bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.
The little one we long for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was planted
Is a light that still shines bright.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
We’ll think about Emelia always,
And never will she be forgotten.
We hold her close within our hearts,
There she will remain.
We miss you my sweet daughter and sister. You will never be forgotten.
Love Always,
Mommy, Daddy, and Kyra
Born Sleeping
May 6th 2008
The world may never notice
If a plant doesn't bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.
The little one we long for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was planted
Is a light that still shines bright.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
We’ll think about Emelia always,
And never will she be forgotten.
We hold her close within our hearts,
There she will remain.
We miss you my sweet daughter and sister. You will never be forgotten.
Love Always,
Mommy, Daddy, and Kyra
Mathieu Vachon

Mathieu Vachon
Born and passed away August 11th 2007
À mémoire de notre petit papillon bleu...
Tu seras éternellement dans nos coeurs...
Chaque minute, chaque seconde nous pensons à toi, tu es le souffle du vent sur notre joue, le soleil qui réchauffe notre peau...
Une partie de notre coeur est partie avec toi...Nous le retrouverons lorsque nous te rejoindrons...
Merci de nous avoir choisi Papa et moi malgré la peine immense nous sommes reconnaissant que tu nous aies choisi comme parents...
Veille sur nous et surtout ton petit frère Loïc...
On t'aime tendrement...Maman et papa..xxx
Born and passed away August 11th 2007
À mémoire de notre petit papillon bleu...
Tu seras éternellement dans nos coeurs...
Chaque minute, chaque seconde nous pensons à toi, tu es le souffle du vent sur notre joue, le soleil qui réchauffe notre peau...
Une partie de notre coeur est partie avec toi...Nous le retrouverons lorsque nous te rejoindrons...
Merci de nous avoir choisi Papa et moi malgré la peine immense nous sommes reconnaissant que tu nous aies choisi comme parents...
Veille sur nous et surtout ton petit frère Loïc...
On t'aime tendrement...Maman et papa..xxx
Joshua Blake Collingsworth

Joshua Blake Collingsworth
Born November 30th 2005
Passed away June 4th 2008
Lincoln Nebraska
I Believe...
In Love at First sight
My palms were sweaty
My Heart was racing
Not knowing what to expect, would he like me?
How would he react?
Then we met
There was no turning back now
He was perfect
Just what I prayed for...
Dreaming and hoping my whole life for this moment...
When I would fall in love at first sight
With God's perfect gift to me, my son I fell in Love
I Believe In Love At First Site
Always in my heart and forever in my thoughts, we love and miss you!
Born November 30th 2005
Passed away June 4th 2008
Lincoln Nebraska
I Believe...
In Love at First sight
My palms were sweaty
My Heart was racing
Not knowing what to expect, would he like me?
How would he react?
Then we met
There was no turning back now
He was perfect
Just what I prayed for...
Dreaming and hoping my whole life for this moment...
When I would fall in love at first sight
With God's perfect gift to me, my son I fell in Love
I Believe In Love At First Site
Always in my heart and forever in my thoughts, we love and miss you!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Henry Schofield

Henry Schofield
Born an Angel February 10, 2008
Arlington Heights, Illinois USA
Your hand was not too small to reach out and touch my heart.
You tiptoed softly into my world,
but you left deep footprints.
~Barbara Snyder Wintner
We know you would have been amazing.
Loved and never forgotten always,
Daddy and Mama
Born an Angel February 10, 2008
Arlington Heights, Illinois USA
Your hand was not too small to reach out and touch my heart.
You tiptoed softly into my world,
but you left deep footprints.
~Barbara Snyder Wintner
We know you would have been amazing.
Loved and never forgotten always,
Daddy and Mama
Lucas James Kilarjian

Lucas James Kilarjian
Born and became an angel, August 19, 2009.
We miss hearing your little heart beat, dear son.
Though you were with us for only a short time,
we treasured every minute.
Your brave soul made us very proud.
We are forever blessed by your presence in our hearts;
your sister Grace is lucky to have you as her guardian angel.
Born and became an angel, August 19, 2009.
We miss hearing your little heart beat, dear son.
Though you were with us for only a short time,
we treasured every minute.
Your brave soul made us very proud.
We are forever blessed by your presence in our hearts;
your sister Grace is lucky to have you as her guardian angel.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Ava Nicole Yates

Ava Nicole Yates
Born into heaven on August 5th, 2009
Our Precious Baby Girl,
You were such a wonderful surprise when we found out you were coming. You are loved just as much though you aren't with us. You are in our thoughts always and our hearts ache for you to be with us. Daddy says when he sees a butterfly he always thinks of you. You will forever be our "little butterfly". We love you so much and can't wait for the day when we will be able to meet you. You are forever missed sweet Ava.
Love Forever, Mommy and Daddy
Born into heaven on August 5th, 2009
Our Precious Baby Girl,
You were such a wonderful surprise when we found out you were coming. You are loved just as much though you aren't with us. You are in our thoughts always and our hearts ache for you to be with us. Daddy says when he sees a butterfly he always thinks of you. You will forever be our "little butterfly". We love you so much and can't wait for the day when we will be able to meet you. You are forever missed sweet Ava.
Love Forever, Mommy and Daddy
Lilly Audrey Haas
Mariam Anna Grimes

Mariam Anna Grimes
Tennessee, USA
I'll Hold You in Heaven
From the very beginning I loved you,
As I made plans to hold you and rock you:
You were tiny and helpless as you lay in my womb,
But something went wrong and soon you were gone;
My young heart was broken, my tears fell like rain,
I'd never known such heartache and pain.
I wonder who you look like, me or your dad,
Do you have my smile and his eyes?
Would you have been big and tall or tiny and small?
We had dreams for you that reached to the skies.
It was long, long ago and I still miss you so,
Thanks to Jesus, I'll see you in heaven.
I'll hold you in heaven someday,
When my trials on earth pass away;
The angels have rocked you, the Father watches over you,
I know you're waiting for me;
I never could hold you or tell you "Goodbye",
But I'll hold you in heaven someday.
(c) 1998 Jo Ann Taylor All Rights Reserved
Tennessee, USA
I'll Hold You in Heaven
From the very beginning I loved you,
As I made plans to hold you and rock you:
You were tiny and helpless as you lay in my womb,
But something went wrong and soon you were gone;
My young heart was broken, my tears fell like rain,
I'd never known such heartache and pain.
I wonder who you look like, me or your dad,
Do you have my smile and his eyes?
Would you have been big and tall or tiny and small?
We had dreams for you that reached to the skies.
It was long, long ago and I still miss you so,
Thanks to Jesus, I'll see you in heaven.
I'll hold you in heaven someday,
When my trials on earth pass away;
The angels have rocked you, the Father watches over you,
I know you're waiting for me;
I never could hold you or tell you "Goodbye",
But I'll hold you in heaven someday.
(c) 1998 Jo Ann Taylor All Rights Reserved
William and Riley Joy

Born into heaven 5/12/1999
My first born, my sweet little boy....

Riley Joy
Born into heaven 5/21/2009
My sweet tiny one....
William and Riley Joy
Mommy loves and misses both of you so very much each day, I can see you dancing and playing in heaven in my dreams at night and can't wait to hold you again someday.....
Until we meet again my angels... I love you
Mommy and big/little sister Kayla
Adisyn Kimberly

Adisyn Kimberly
Born with angel wings on August 22, 2009.
I loved you from the very start and continue to love you until the day we meet again. Until then your our guardian angel and we feel your beautiful presence everywhere. We love and miss you Adisyn Kimberly
Mommy, Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Kodi
Born with angel wings on August 22, 2009.
I loved you from the very start and continue to love you until the day we meet again. Until then your our guardian angel and we feel your beautiful presence everywhere. We love and miss you Adisyn Kimberly
Mommy, Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Kodi
Kason Michael Wibbenmeyer

Kason Michael Wibbenmeyer
Born sleeping October 7th, 2009
Overland Park, Kansas
The world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn't bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.
The little one we long for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
Every beating of our hearts
Says that we do love you.
We love and miss you everyday,
Mommy & Daddy
Born sleeping October 7th, 2009
Overland Park, Kansas
The world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn't bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.
The little one we long for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
Every beating of our hearts
Says that we do love you.
We love and miss you everyday,
Mommy & Daddy
Philip Michael Dombrowski

Philip Michael Dombrowski
Born and died shortly afterwards on July 12, 2004
Michigan, USA
Our precious little Philip...
we can't believe its been 5 long years since you left us. Not a day goes by that we don't forget you. Even though your life on this earth was very short, so many people loved you and cared about you. We were all so excited about you being in our family! We waited so long for you, and hoped and prayed for you for so long. We never dreamed that God would have other plans for you. When you left us, it shattered our lives and ripped our hearts to pieces.
I love you little Philip, we all love you so much. You are our precious little "baby love" that we will never forget. We will always love you with all of our hearts, and we look forward to that day when we get to see you again and be with you in Heaven forever. You are terribly missed...
With lots of hugs and kisses and lots of love to you my precious lil baby boy...
Love Mommy, Daddy, big brother Joshua, and baby brother Ryan
Born and died shortly afterwards on July 12, 2004
Michigan, USA
Our precious little Philip...
we can't believe its been 5 long years since you left us. Not a day goes by that we don't forget you. Even though your life on this earth was very short, so many people loved you and cared about you. We were all so excited about you being in our family! We waited so long for you, and hoped and prayed for you for so long. We never dreamed that God would have other plans for you. When you left us, it shattered our lives and ripped our hearts to pieces.
I love you little Philip, we all love you so much. You are our precious little "baby love" that we will never forget. We will always love you with all of our hearts, and we look forward to that day when we get to see you again and be with you in Heaven forever. You are terribly missed...
With lots of hugs and kisses and lots of love to you my precious lil baby boy...
Love Mommy, Daddy, big brother Joshua, and baby brother Ryan
Gracie Jane Miller

Gracie Jane Miller
Born already in heaven December 10, 2009
Washington, USA
Dear Gracie, baby "Blueberry,"
Sweet baby girl we miss you so much. We wish we could hold you and hold you and put you in sweet baby girl clothing, and smell your sweet baby smell. We wish we could see you smile, hear you laugh and see you grow. One day we will. Mommy, Daddy and your big brother love you so much. We will try and find the joy in every moment until we see you again since that's what you taught us to do. Love you baby girl.
Born already in heaven December 10, 2009
Washington, USA
Dear Gracie, baby "Blueberry,"
Sweet baby girl we miss you so much. We wish we could hold you and hold you and put you in sweet baby girl clothing, and smell your sweet baby smell. We wish we could see you smile, hear you laugh and see you grow. One day we will. Mommy, Daddy and your big brother love you so much. We will try and find the joy in every moment until we see you again since that's what you taught us to do. Love you baby girl.
Brienna Marie Marr

Brienna Marie Marr
Born into Heaven
June 2, 2009
I think of you often
and make no outward show,
But what it means to lose you,
no one will ever know
You wished no one farewell,
not even said good-bye,
You were gone before I knew it,
and only God knows why.
You are not forgotten
nor will you ever be,
As long as life and memories last,
I will remember thee.
To some you may be forgotten,
to others a part of the past,
But to me who loved you dearly,
your memories will always last.
Nothing can be more beautiful
than the memories I have of you.
To me, you were someone special,
God must have thought so too!
If tears could build a staircase
and memories a lane,
I would walk all the way to Heaven,
and bring you back again.
Sweet Brienna Marie,
We love you and miss you more with each passing day. Thank you for enriching our lives; we are so much better because of you! Your mark on this world will never be forgotten and we are so proud to call you our daughter. Until we hold you again in Heaven, know that you are deeply loved and forever missed.
Mom and Dad
Born into Heaven
June 2, 2009
I think of you often
and make no outward show,
But what it means to lose you,
no one will ever know
You wished no one farewell,
not even said good-bye,
You were gone before I knew it,
and only God knows why.
You are not forgotten
nor will you ever be,
As long as life and memories last,
I will remember thee.
To some you may be forgotten,
to others a part of the past,
But to me who loved you dearly,
your memories will always last.
Nothing can be more beautiful
than the memories I have of you.
To me, you were someone special,
God must have thought so too!
If tears could build a staircase
and memories a lane,
I would walk all the way to Heaven,
and bring you back again.
Sweet Brienna Marie,
We love you and miss you more with each passing day. Thank you for enriching our lives; we are so much better because of you! Your mark on this world will never be forgotten and we are so proud to call you our daughter. Until we hold you again in Heaven, know that you are deeply loved and forever missed.
Mom and Dad
Ava Marie Cook

Ava Marie Cook
Born into the hands of God on September 5, 2009.
She was so very, very special
And was so from the start.
We held her in our arms,
But mainly in our heart.
And like a single drop of rain
That on still waters fall,
Her life did ripples make
And touched the lives of all.
She’s gone to play with angels
In heaven up above.
So we keep our special memories
And treasure them with love.
Although our darling daughter
Was with us just a while,
She’ll live on in our heart
With a sweet remembered smile.
Born into the hands of God on September 5, 2009.
She was so very, very special
And was so from the start.
We held her in our arms,
But mainly in our heart.
And like a single drop of rain
That on still waters fall,
Her life did ripples make
And touched the lives of all.
She’s gone to play with angels
In heaven up above.
So we keep our special memories
And treasure them with love.
Although our darling daughter
Was with us just a while,
She’ll live on in our heart
With a sweet remembered smile.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Micheal Shane

Micheal Shane
Born June 4th 1975.
Passed away January 18th 2007
You are the wind in my hair
The rain on my face
Mornings first light
The last star at night
The quickening of my heart
Each time your name is called
To realise you are gone
Is the cruellest part of all
You are the waves as they crash
Then return back to sea
The coolness of the forest
Mike, you will always be part of me.
As I walk this lonely journey
With sand under my feet
In my heart I know my darling Mike
One day we will meet
Born June 4th 1975.
Passed away January 18th 2007
You are the wind in my hair
The rain on my face
Mornings first light
The last star at night
The quickening of my heart
Each time your name is called
To realise you are gone
Is the cruellest part of all
You are the waves as they crash
Then return back to sea
The coolness of the forest
Mike, you will always be part of me.
As I walk this lonely journey
With sand under my feet
In my heart I know my darling Mike
One day we will meet