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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Adia Michelle Moyer

Adia Michelle Moyer
My Ectopic Angel ~ December 12, 2011

I will always remember that you wanted to be
but you had to go because instead they saved me
I loved you so, and I think of you every day
my teeny tiny baby who got lost on the way
In heaven there is angel of mine
who was in the wrong place at the right time

Abriana Michaela Ciriello

Abriana Michaela Ciriello
 Abriana was a twin, her heart stopped beating at 20 weeks on Feb 3 2012, her sister made it but I had to deliver both babies on July 1 2012
 United States -Connecticut 

Abriana Michaela. . .
Everyday when I look at your sister I wonder what you would have looked like, & how different things would be. I wanted to have both of you so bad. Even though your little heart stopped beating at 20 weeks, Im glad you stayed apart of me until delivery. it was hard to say good bye to you but thank you for giving your twin sister the strength to stay strong, survive & be born a beautiful healthy girl. One day we will tell your beautiful twin Daniela she had a beautiful twin sister. . . .

In my dreams, you are alive and well Precious child. In my mind, I see you clear as a bell Precious child. In my soul, there is a hole
That can never be filled, But in my heart, there is hope Cause you are with me still.
In my heart, you live on. Always there never gone. Precious child, you left too soon. Tho' it may be true that we're apart, You will live forever... in my heart.
In my plans, I was the first to leave
Precious child, precious child
But in this world, I was left here to grieve Precious child.
God knows I want to hold you, See you, touch you, And maybe there's a heaven, And someday I will again. Please know you are not forgotten until then. . . .

Dylan Gillis

Dylan Gillis 
Born an Angel January 31st, 2012

My dear little angel.
We love you. We miss you.
We will never forget you.

You are our star in heaven, watching over us.

Love always. Mommy, Daddy and you big brothers

Blake Wayne Wilson

Blake Wayne Wilson
 Born February 26th 2011 Passed away March 4th 2011
United States

 Our first born baby boy, love bug. So many miss you. Not a single day goes by that Daddy and I don't think about you and send kisses and lots of hugs up to heaven. We wish you were here so we could rock you and hold you in our arms and sing you lullabies. Dad and I hope that every tear we have cried in the last 18 months has come to you as kisses and even then we know thats not enough.
My wishes for you my Love Bug, throughout your life are the wishes any parent would have for their child. You would grow up happy and healthy. You would be successful. You would find love from someone and love them with so much passion it hurts. You see thats how much your dad and I loved you and still love you. You see you were the light of our lives for 9months and 6 days. We loved you so passionately it hurt. It hurts because our hopes and dreams for you are no longer. We would have loved watching you grow up and seeing how wonderful a person you would have become. We would be joyful as you discovered life and what it had to offer you. As you discovered God's Love and how much he loves you. Although I'm sure you already know his love, I'm sure he's held you in his arms and said, "You are my precious child, I have called you by name and you are mine." We love you and miss you Blake our shinning star.""Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones shines down to let us know they are with us"" Missing our star all the time. Love you Blake

Ta'Ji Zahari Greene

Ta'Ji Zahari Greene 
 Born Sleepng March 11th 2011

Although you budded like a beautiful flower, your life wasn't meant to be spent here on earth with Mom and Dad, but with God through eternity.  When the sorrow in our hearts lessens, we'll remember you and smile.  No one can take your place in our hearts or the precious memories.  When our lives here on earth are ended, we'll meet once again on that day.  When God calls all of His children home, forever more with Him to stay.  Remember always that we love you.   

Kamryn McLaughlin

Kamryn McLaughlin 
Passed 19/06/2012

I didn’t get to feel you kick, or look into your eyes.
 I didn’t hold you in my arms, or hear your little cry.
 I didn’t get to see your smile, or even know your name.
 But, you’ll always be my baby and I love you just the same.

Kora Ruth Shrum

Kora Ruth Shrum 
Born in the comfort of her home on April 9th 2012 at 5:08 am.
Delivered and baptized by her earthly father, and taken home to be with her Heavenly Father two minutes later.


I will carry you
While your heart beats here
Long beyond the empty cradle
Through the coming years
I will carry you
All your life
And I will praise the One Who’s chosen Me
To carry you

To Kora with love, from your Mommy and Daddy...
We miss you so, and will carry you in our hearts forever.
You are our Angel.

Cale Harrison Hidalgo

Cale Harrison Hidalgo
 Columbus, GA

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
My baby you'll be. 

Devin Alexander Worst

Devin Alexander Worst
 August 28, 1999 - August 29, 1999
 Alabama, USA

Little one, little one,
Where have you gone?
Your leaving has darkened
The brightest dawn.

Why have you left us,
so soon, so soon?
Where can we look for you?
Over the moon?
On butterflies wings?
In the heart of a rose?
Who knows, who knows,
Where a little one goes?

Where I have gone,
I am not so small
My soul is as wide
as the world is tall
I have gone to answer
The call, the call
of the one who takes
Care of us all.
Wherever you look,
You will find me there
In the heart of a rose,
In the heart of a prayer
On butterfly wings,
On wings of my own
To you I am gone,
But I'm never alone
I'm over the moon,
I am home.

 -Jim Howard

Until we meet again, sweet one...

I love you,

Angel Phoenix Netich

Angel Phoenix Netich 
Discovered sleeping in Mummy's tummy 09/07/2012.


Hush now my baby,
Be still love, don't cry,
Sleep like you're rocked by the stream,
Sleep and remember my last lullaby,
And I'll be with you when you dream.

Always and forever my little one.

I love you.

Cayden and Logan Mata

Cayden and Logan Mata 
 Jacksonville, FL, USA

Sweet twin boys of Adolfo and Danielle Mata 

Poppy Jones

Poppy Jones 
Born 21st April 2012, returned home 14th May 2012 at 23 days old
 New Zealand   

Dear Poppy Grace,

You will always be our precious baby girl who came to us as a wonderful gift and taught us so much in your short life.  You will live on in our hearts forever.

'Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands'

Lots of love,
Mummy and Daddy

Isabelle Maria Mc Sweeney

Isabelle Maria Mc Sweeney
 Born still, 13th July 2010

A Wonderful Miracle
Right for the Start
A Short but Precious
Time here on Earth
A Great Gift of Love
Forever in my Heart 

Koda Mitchell Rattan

Koda Mitchell Rattan 
 a perfect little boy born sleeping on November 28th, 2011.
Victoria, Australia

There is a place in our hearts that is yours alone,
A piece of our lives that no one else can own.
The tears in our eyes we can wipe away,
But our memories of you will always stay.

A perfect little boy who was taken from us way too soon. You will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

Piera & Mirusia Poulton-Sunn

Piera & Mirusia Poulton-Sunn  
Twins born 3rd November 2010
Passed away 3rd November 2010


A moment in our arms
A lifetime in our hearts

Ryker Joseph Smolens

Ryker Joseph Smolens
Born sleeping on June 9, 2012   
 New Jersey, USA   

An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth.
Then whispered as she closed the book, "too beautiful for earth".
~author unknown

Thomas Joseph Smolens

Thomas Joseph Smolens 
Born on June 9, 2012 and passed away shortly after in his Daddy's arms
New Jersey, USA    An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth.
Then whispered as she closed the book, "too beautiful for earth".

~author unknown

Benjamin Mark Giroux

Benjamin Mark Giroux 
Born sleeping, on November 30, 2011
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada 

Three hearts conceived, All grown with love,
Two here on Earth, One in Heaven above.

Dear Ben,
We miss you more than words can say. You are always in our thoughts, and will always be remembered. Everyday, we look at your brothers and wish you were here with them. Our time together was so brief, but so precious. We love you so much little guy.
Mommy and Daddy xoxo

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tom Peacock

Tom Peacock 
Born sleeping 31st of May 2012

A butterfly came floating by and I thought I knew his face. He landed on my shoulder and spread his wings of lace. I looked and saw him smiling and as he winked and flew away, I'm sure I heard him say "we'll meet again one day".

- author unknown.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Arielle Reneé Oliver

Arielle Reneé Oliver 
Born into Heaven January 27, 2012
United States 

An angel in the Book of Life wrote down my baby's birth,
then whispered as she closed the book,
"Too beautiful for earth..."


'As long as I live, you will live
As long as I live you will be remembered
As long as I live you will be loved...'


Clara Dawn Johnston

Clara Dawn Johnston 

Our beautiful baby girl
You filled our hearts with love
For you we'd give the world
Now you watch us from above

Declan Eli Copus

Declan Eli Copus 
Born sleeping on May 25, 2012
Michigan, USA

 Sweet Declan... Mommy, Daddy, and Myles miss you so much!  We know that you are watching over us, and one day we will hold you in our arms again. 

Jackson Blanchard

Jackson Blanchard 
Born July 7, 2011
Born into Heaven July 11, 2011

California, USA

All this pain
I wonder if I’ll ever find my way
I wonder if my life could really change at all
All this earth
Could all that is lost ever be found
Could a garden come up from this ground at all

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

Mathew Caleb Greenstreet

Mathew Caleb Greenstreet 
12/25/10 to 6/09/11

Our Blue Eyed Angel
Wishes Up Above by Cynthia R Burkhow 7-10-12
Words do not describe the ache within,
A voice can’t relay the heartache,
The heart feels what the heart knows
Once second you care and watch a little
Then in a second they vanish and
do not exist!
Why did you need to go instead of me?
I wish you were here not up there,
Selfish I am –for a mom who want so
much for you!
You were headstrong and full
Of life,
You smile and let people know you,
I wish up above is that you a cool
helping others and make them
You made a difference in my heart
You be forever loved, missed and cherished
One day we will reunite! 

Amelia Grace Tobkin

Amelia Grace Tobkin 
Born and Passed away August 17th, 2011

Mommy and Daddy love you honey. We think about you everyday.

Eric Allen Sawyer

Eric Allen Sawyer
Born a perfect creation of God on January 10, 2012.
Passed away unexpectedly on April 26, 2012.
Conroe, Texas

We hope to one day be at peace, but we will never be the same. Our lives were touched for a brief time by a special baby boy.    

Hudson Ruth Walter

Hudson Ruth Walter 
Born July 11th, 2012 - Left us July 14th, 2012
Washington State

What we have once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.

 Helen Keller   

Poppy & Issac Bray

Poppy Bray
Born~Passed November 25 2010.


Issac Bray
Born~Passed November 25 2010.

We carry you in our hearts now and forever. Love Mummy, Daddy, big sister Iris &younger brother Kenny. xxxx 

Sidney Josephine Brooks

Sidney Josephine Brooks 
Born September 16th, 2009; Passed August 31st, 2009

My sweet Sidney, I'm sorry I never got to hold you.

Carmelo James DelRio

Carmelo James DelRio 
Born into Heaven on July 11th, 2012
USA, New Jersey

Matthew 19:14

Jesus said,

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as those."

Kaleb Clifford Hanson

Kaleb Clifford Hanson 
Due January 1999. Passed away August 1998. My water broke and Kaleb lived 4 days.

You lived as a preborn baby boy. We had you 17 weeks and you were beautiful and complete. My water broke and we both tried to make you stay safe inside me; but alas you were called home to be with Jehovah God .Kaleb you  now live on in God's care until we meet again. I think of you and wonder ...I love you though I never held you in my arms, but this Mother will always hold you in my heart.    

Isabella Jeffery

Isabella Jeffery 
Born Sleeping 15th July 2011

Miss you little twinkle star.

Hope And Faith Smith

Hope Elizabeth Smith 
June 22nd 2012 


Faith Marie Smith
   June 23rd 2012

New Hamphhire USA

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living my babies you'll be."

Love Always,

Mommy and Daddy 

Olivia Grace Fox

Olivia Grace Fox 
Born June 11, 2012, became our angel 32 minutes later.

Our 3 angels were born June 11, 2012.  Olivia and Dominic became our angels on June 11, 2012, while Sophia was born silent.

Mommy and daddy miss and love you so much and we will see you again one day.

Dominic James Fox


Dominic James Fox 
Born June 11, 2012 became our angel 18 minutes later.

Our 3 angels were born June 11, 2012. 
Olivia and Dominic became our angels on June 11, 2012,
while Sophia was born silent.

Mommy and daddy miss and love you so much and we will see you again one day.  

Sophia Lucille Fox

Sophia Lucille Fox 
Born silent on June 11, 2012

Our 3 angels were born June 11, 2012.  Olivia and Dominic became our angels on June 11, 2012, while Sophia was born silent.

Mommy and daddy miss and love you so much and we will see you again one day.

Colton Thomas Hayes

Colton Thomas Hayes
Born into Heaven January 17, 2012

There is not a day that goes by when we don't think of your perfect little face.  You had your Daddy's nose, Mommy's lips and looked just like your big brother.  We miss you so much but know you are safe in the arms of Jesus.  Until we meet again our sweet little boy.

Love you always and forever,
Daddy, Mommy, big brother Mason and little sister to be Isla.

Maya Francine Warrensford

Maya Francine Warrensford  
Born and died June 16th, 2012
On Earth 9 hours. In our hearts forever.


I do believe I have been changed for the better,
And, because I knew you,
I have been changed for good.

 ~ Wicked

Forever our baby you'll be.  We love you and miss you always.
Love, Mommy, Daddy, and Halee

MaryElizabeth Theresa Smolens

MaryElizabeth Theresa Smolens 
Born on June 9, 2012 and passed shortly after in her Mommy's arms
New Jersey, USA

An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth.
Then whispered as she closed the book, "too beautiful for earth".
~author unknown

Friday, August 3, 2012

Nathaniel John Ryan-McCullough

Nathaniel John Ryan-McCullough 
Selkirk, NY
They say there is a reason,

They say that time will heal,

But neither time nor reason,

Will change the way I feel,

For no-one knows the heartache,

That lies behind our smiles,

No-one knows how many times,

We have broken down and cried,

We want to tell you something,

So there won't be any doubt,

You're so wonderful to think of,

But so hard to be without.

Emileigh Ruth Ferris

Emileigh Ruth Ferris 
Sunrise: October 1, 2006
Sunset: September 1, 2007
United States/ Michigan 

"What the caterpillar perceives is the end, to the butterfly is just the beginning."

You have now grown into a beautiful butterfly. Spread your wings and fly baby girl. We shall meet again some day!

Schmuel Cohen

Schmuel Cohen 
Joined us on earth 17 May, 2010, and left us quietly on 22 June, 2010
United Kingdom

We miss you deeply every day, but know that you are there in the sunsets and soft breezes, accompanying us on life's journey. We well always love you.   

Eva Sophia Boyle

    Eva Sophia Boyle    
Born on 5 August 2011, died in Mummy and Daddy's arms on 23 February 2012
London, UK

Gone too soon
by Mary Yarnall

This was a life hardly begun
no time to find your place in the sun
no time to do all you could have done
but we loved you enough for a lifetime

No time to enjoy the world and its wealth
no time to take life down from the shelf
no time to sing the song of yourself
though you had enough love for a lifetime

Those who live long endure sadness and tears
but you'll never suffer the sorrowing years
no betrayal, no anger, no hatred, no fears
Just love, only love, in your lifetime


Precious Eva, we remember and miss you every second of every day. We love you right up to the moon and back! Forever in our hearts. Mummy, Daddy and your twin sister Charlotte x x x

October Annette

October Annette 
You died sometime in April 2012

Hi Baby. We were so hopeful when we found out we were having you because we had lost your sibling 6 months before. You have 5 brothers and 4 sisters here who would have loved you very much.See you in heaven. Love you big as the sky, Mummy, Daddy, Liam,Aron,Chloe,Sian,India,Kyle,Kieran,Holly and Calum. xxxxxxxxxxx   

May Annette

May Annette 
You died between the end of September and the beginning of October 2011

Hi baby, some people thought we were crazy wanting you, Mummy has 9 children already from her first husband. After years of just me and your 5 brothers and four sisters, I met and married your gorgeous Daddy. We are a very happy family but we wanted you in it too. We think of you all the time and can't wait to meet you in heaven. Mummy, Daddy, Liam, Aron, Chloe, Sian, India, Kyle, Kieran, Holly and Calum.

We love you big as the sky

Luna Gefion Adler

Luna Gefion Adler 
Conceived to say goodbye on April 18th 2012 

No Words in this World can tell what we feel for you.
No Words in this World can tell how much we miss you.

Lovely little beautiful Daughter.

You've changed our Live.

If our Love could have saved you,
You would have lived forever.

B. & A.