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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Logan Thomas Lamore

Logan Thomas Lamore
Born sleeping June 22, 2008
Ontario, Canada

My sweet little angel
I loved you from the moment I became aware of you growing within me
A miracle of life
The joy I felt can not be put in to words
The wonder I felt knowing that I had created a life was overwhelming
The ideas and plans I had for you were so wonderful
All the places we would go and the things we would see and experience would be so amazing
Now the only place to do that is in my dreams
You were so egar to arrive into this world that you came too soon
24 weeks was all you could manage
24 weeks that I carried you within my belly
24 weeks to know and love you
You fought so hard to hang on
Yet the delivery took all that you had to give
You entered this relm in an eternal slumber
So beautiful, so perfect, so still
Although you may have been born still, you were still born
Not a day passes that I don't shed tears for you you
You have taught me many lessons
You have helped me to grow
Know that I carry you with me always
Know that you are in my thoughts and my heart
Know that you carry a piece of me with you
For when you so silently left, you took a piece of my heart with you
As the days pass, the time we have been apart grows longer
As the days pass, it brings us one day closer to being together
Until that day when I can once again hold you and tell you in person of my love for you
Remember that I love you always and forever
You are my forever child
You are my first born
You are my son Logan

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