Roman Safeer Marshall Hasan
Born August 4, 2010 Passed away August 27, 2010
Dallas, Texas, USA
I knew you before I formed you in your mothers womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.
Jeremiah 1:5
Born August 4, 2010 Passed away August 27, 2010
Dallas, Texas, USA
I knew you before I formed you in your mothers womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.
Jeremiah 1:5
19 Send Your Love Here:
Happy Birthday son! The world is a better place to have known you. I am a better man to have Loved you!
Happy Birthday gorgeous boy! We are all thinking of you on your special day! Dance with the angels! Love, Auntie Heather Xoxoxo
Happy birthday beautiful angel!!!!!! Although your time here was brief your memory lives in all of us! Love you baby boy :).
Happy birthday sweet boy!! Love you and miss you... Please keep a good eye on my sweet Isabella! You two would be best friends!
Happy Birthday my sweet little nephew! I know I will see you again one day.
Happy Birthday Roman! Even though we never met you, you will always hold a special place in our hearts. You are forever loved. Chris and Jenna
Happy birthday, precious boy! We all love you and miss you and I know one day you will come back to us. ~Linda
Happy birthday sweet Roman. Love you always!
Happy birthday sweet baby. We love you!
Happy birthday cousin Roman. Love you.
Love, Bella
Happy birthday baby boy. You will always be in our hearts.
Happy 2nd Bday Roman!!! Although, I never had the pleasure of meeting or holding you, you have touched my life in so many ways, and for that I am truly grateful! Thank you for being our guardian angel!
Happy Birthday sweet Roman. You touched so many in your short time and we love you. Thank you for watching over all of us.
Dear Roman,
I know that even though you had to go, you are here now with us all, especially with the one who loves you the most, your father Saleem. We feel your spirit and the love you have given us. We love you too. I would have loved to have held you and see you grow up. Please be with your father today and give him comfort. He loves you, and you still mean the world to him. Thank you for being with us for the time that you were here and showing us the beauty, the innocence, and the love of an infant. I love you. And we all miss you.
Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Roman!! You touched so many lives in your short time here with us. We all love and miss you so much!
Sweet Little One.....how we wish you had stayed! In the short, fleeting moments that you were with us, you wound your way into all our hearts and left your little footprints on our souls. Your memory will be with us always. We know you're happy where you are, because you are being held in the loving arms of Our Lord, and His Angels surround you, but we miss you.....
Love Always
Sandhya and Family
Dear Roman,
It was too short a time we had the luxury of being with you. Though I know you are now in the presence of God and watching the rest of us from Heaven, I miss you and wish that I could have had the pleasure of seeing you grow into a young man. However, I do know that one day we will see you again. Until then, just know that we love you and that your memory will be a force of love, peace, and inspiration for us to strive to be ever better persons.
Happy Birthday to my beautiful, perfect baby boy! I am so thankful for the precious time I had with you! I long for heaven, which is so much sweeter now, and I can't wait to hold you in my arms again! I miss you every single minute of every single day!! As hard as it was to watch you leave, if I had a choice, I would do it all over again! It is my privilege to be your mommy and I will spend the rest of my life honoring your memory! I love you infinity times infinity times infinity!!
Dear sweet baby Roman,
I miss you and think of you everyday!! Losing you was the hardest thing ive ever had to experiance but the short time you were with us, blessed my life more than you will ever know!! I thank God for the time we had with you and I know I will see you again in Heaven! Also, I know that I would've been your favorite auntie =) I love you as big as the sky and can't wait to kiss and squeeze you!! Until then I'll let Meemaw & Jesus spoil you uncontrolably!
Love you always & forever
Auntie Taylor
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