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Friday, September 23, 2011

Alana Claire Hunt

Alana Claire Hunt
Born into the arms of Jesus.... September 16, 2011
Our Beautiful Dear Child... Our Precious Offering and Awakening
You are forever loved... Mommy, Daddy, and Cissy's.

Rockwall, TX

What is it that you see…
Can you let me see it too?
Will it be too much for me to bare…
Was it too much for you too?
Did you allow this…. to protect her?
From evil that would come?
Do you see something that we don’t see…
Something you saved her from?
Is it none of all those things I fear…
Is it not like that at all?
Did you see a way to shine thru her…
A way to spread your word to all?
Or will she be a miracle,
A sign or wonder that follows me?
Do you see the doctors baffled?
As they stand in awe with me,
Do you see a mother happy?
Am I dancing full of glee,
Or do you see tears streaming down my face…
As I lay her down to sleep.
What is it that you see?
Can you let me see it too?
Do you sometimes say...
“My sweet dear child,
Just rest and trust My view

Love, Mommy

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strangetabby said...

Valen-it's beautiful! I love that you included you writings too! Jesus and Alana sure painted a pretty picture for you! Love you my dear, sweet friend!
