Matthew Payton Knight
Gone too soon at 15 weeks
Born sleeping on September 21, 2011 at 6:46 p.m.
Weighed 2.9 ounces. Was 6 inches head to toe.
Olive Branch, MS USA
From the moment we found out we were expecting you, we were so happy to be adding a new little one to our family. Your brother, Brandon, and sister, Samantha, were so excited to be waiting for a new baby brother or sister. I loved you so much from the start. I had longed for another baby and was so excited to know you were on your way. I treasured every moment I felt you moving. The day we were supposed to see you moving and happy on the ultrasound was the worst day of our lives. We instead were told you had passed 3 weeks prior at 15 weeks even though you had a healthy heartbeat at the visit just one week before you died. When you were delivered, we were told you were a boy and that you looked just like a little person. I treasure every moment I got to spend holding you. You were precious and perfect. We all miss you so much. Brandon still asks to give you kisses at bedtime. Samantha still asks if you are going to get to share her room. We know you are in Heaven with Jesus and having a great time. I know my Maw Maw Grace is so happy to be able to look after you for me. We just wish we had been able to keep you here. We will never understand why you were not allowed to come home with us. Even though you never had the chance to live, you have forever changed us. You will always be our son and baby brother. You will never be forgotten. I feel you with me everyday. I will always be a mother missing her baby boy, Matthew.
Until the day we see you again in Heaven.
We love you for eternity, Matthew.
Love Mommy, Daddy, Brandon & Samantha.
Gone too soon at 15 weeks
Born sleeping on September 21, 2011 at 6:46 p.m.
Weighed 2.9 ounces. Was 6 inches head to toe.
Olive Branch, MS USA
From the moment we found out we were expecting you, we were so happy to be adding a new little one to our family. Your brother, Brandon, and sister, Samantha, were so excited to be waiting for a new baby brother or sister. I loved you so much from the start. I had longed for another baby and was so excited to know you were on your way. I treasured every moment I felt you moving. The day we were supposed to see you moving and happy on the ultrasound was the worst day of our lives. We instead were told you had passed 3 weeks prior at 15 weeks even though you had a healthy heartbeat at the visit just one week before you died. When you were delivered, we were told you were a boy and that you looked just like a little person. I treasure every moment I got to spend holding you. You were precious and perfect. We all miss you so much. Brandon still asks to give you kisses at bedtime. Samantha still asks if you are going to get to share her room. We know you are in Heaven with Jesus and having a great time. I know my Maw Maw Grace is so happy to be able to look after you for me. We just wish we had been able to keep you here. We will never understand why you were not allowed to come home with us. Even though you never had the chance to live, you have forever changed us. You will always be our son and baby brother. You will never be forgotten. I feel you with me everyday. I will always be a mother missing her baby boy, Matthew.
Until the day we see you again in Heaven.
We love you for eternity, Matthew.
Love Mommy, Daddy, Brandon & Samantha.
7 Send Your Love Here:
Nicole, your love letter to Matthew is just beautiful! I pray for you and your family every day, and I always pray for sweet little Matthew! May God Bless all of you!
Terri Catafygiotu
So beautiful, Nicole. So loving and so sweet. Love you, Nicole, and love to your husband and little ones. ♥
Angela Thomas and family
I was looking through and noticed your sons name because it is the same as my son, just reversed my sweet baby payton Matthew went to be with god when he was 10 weeks old, I cherished every moment with him and now know he is forever in heaven with god, I said a special prayer to him and asked him to give yor son a hug from me I hope he does. God bless you, from one angel mommy to another
Jessie Gordon
There are no words I can post that will ease your pain or lessen your loss... but if somehow it helps to know you're being thought of, that you're being prayed for, that your son is remembered and so is your family... then take strength and know you are loved.
Nicole... I forgot to sign my name above, but thankfully you put up with me! That message was from the boys and I.
Love and Prayers, Jeanne
My precious Matthew, Mama misses you so much. Wishing you were here with us as Christmas gets closer. By now, you would be moving all around and just 2 months away from being with us. Samantha & Brandon pray for you everyday. They want to go to the beach and build you a sand castle. Samantha asks if she can go to Heaven and bring you some of her toys so you can play with her. She is still very sad and misses you so much. We all do. You have some ornaments on the Christmas tree right in the front so you can be part of our Christmas celebration. I miss you so much baby boy. Waiting for the day I can join you and finally give you a big hug. Love from Mama.
Well baby boy, it's been 26 weeks today since you were born. We miss you so much still. Samantha is still very sad that you didn't get to come home. By now, you should be about a month old. I am so sad I don't have you here at home to love on. My arms are empty. But as you know, you are soon going to have a little brother or sister. We just passed the milestone at which you died. So I am very nervous but I know you are watching over us. Your new sibling will be here in time for your birthday and Samantha, Brandon & daddy's birthdays. Make sure you are there with us to celebrate. I love you so much, my precious baby.
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