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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Aurelia Mae

Aurelia Mae

Born still July 8, 2008

We can't wait to see you again,
Mommy & Daddy

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Carla said...

Sweet baby girl so loved and so pure, now gone to Heaven an angel for sure.

Young loving mother left here to weep, no little girl to play at her feet.

The angels came to take Aurelia away, God had to have her with him to stay.

Too special a light to shine here below, needed in Heaven where she could glow.

This mother was picked for her spirit and pride, only she could give Him such a special child.

The heartache and pain will not go away, but God has his reasons we will know them one day.

So thank you Aurelia, the sunshine you made, heaven is now sweeter for us on our way.

Sweet baby girl so loved and so pure, now gone to Heaven an angel for sure.