Caseylynne Marie
Due date was 07-04-05
Became an Angel on 11-25-04
Our lady bug Forever in our hearts Once In my womb, Now in Gods Arms, wanted on earth but needed in heaven , Sleep in peace our baby Lady bug Mommy and daddy love and miss you so very much if u had been born you would had been 4 on july 4th 2009 its so hard with out you but we know Your in our hearts and one day we will see you and get to hold you for the very 1st time in heaven above, like a lady bug you landed for only a small time and much like the lady bug you flew away fast, Sweet baby Girl We love you so very much

Rebekah Faith Elizabeth
Due Date was 06-08-09
became an Angel on 10-11-08
Our sweet snowflake You came and landed for a very short time and soon you left us, it happen way to fast, once you lived with in my womb, Your heart was beating, You was there But The God Called Your Name he said ( Rebekah Come with me ) you listen to your heavenly Father and you left your mothers womb, the hardest part was for me to let you Go , But i know God most had needed You he only seems to pick the Best, Your Daddys snow flake and Mommys Butterfly, For ever you will dance in heaven and play with your big sister Caseylynne we love you sweet baby Girl
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Thank you so much for writeing Caseylynne and Rebekahs name in the Sand for taking the time and doing all that you have done for not just my self but for every one God Bless you so very much this means the world to us
Caseylynne and Rebekahs mommy
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