Matthew Jackson Miller
Born August 6th, 2007
Went to Heaven October 15th, 2007
Even from the womb, Matthew taught us that things were going to be done his way and he was a fighter. Matthew was due September 24, 2007, but on June 2nd (at 23 weeks 5 days gestation) Matthew decided to try and break through! My water broke and contractions began. I was hospitalized and spent 9 weeks in the hospital before Matthew said enough was enough and tried to escape butt first! On August 6th, 2007 (7 weeks before his due date) Matthew was born by emergency cesarean. The same doctor who said he wouldn't make it was there to hear his first cry. After nearly 4 weeks in the NICU, Matthew came home on September 1st, 2007.
Matthew is a Hebrew name meaning "Gift from God" and that he truly was. Matthew blessed us on this earth for 70 days before falling victim to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. He is our beautiful angel and we will always miss him.
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