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Monday, November 14, 2011

Mary-Jane Olivia Flinos

Mary-Jane Olivia Flinos
November 27th 2008 ~ December 5th 2008
Melbourne, Australia

To our sweet angel MJ.
Our week together was truly magical and we hold onto those precious memories so tightly. You brought us so much love and joy MJ and we loved you enough for a lifetime.
We are so proud of you honey and the way in which your life has changed us all for the better. You have taught us to see the beauty in all things and to appreciate the magic and wonder in every precious moment. We miss you so much and speak your name everyday. You will be turning 3 years old soon and we send our love to you on angel's wings and wish you a beautiful birthday in heaven, chasing butterflies and bubbles. We love to the moon and back MJ xxxxxxxx

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