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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bethany Marie Holsinger

Bethany Marie Holsinger
Born March 26, 1983.
Died 1 1/2 hours after birth.
Indiana, United States of America

They remind me of my precious daughter, Bethany.
They speak to my heart of eternal love.
They give me visions of how beautiful heaven must be.
They bring hope to my hurting heart.
They remind me how fragile life is.
They have thorns that keep me in this present moment.
They bloom and never fade in eternity.

"A rose is blooming there for me... it shines to light eternity!"

We cherish the precious moments of life we shared with Bethany here and look forward to seeing our sweet daughter in heaven.
Until then she continues to dwell in our hearts and minds... our very own guardian angel!

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