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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Eli Ryan Beaumaster

Eli Ryan Beaumaster
Born 02/25/2012 perfectly made at 20 weeks sleeping.
New Brunswick, Canada

Eli you were only with daddy and I a short time, but you will be held forever in our hearts and memories! I miss having you with me every single day! I miss planning for you and buying all of the tiny baby items we needed for you. I miss feeling you kicks and dreaming of holding, kissing and loving you to pieces!! I miss your big sister being excited..she is sad now because she misses and loved you to little one. Your big sister named you Eli months ago when you were only 3 and a half months in mommies tummy :) YOU WERE WANTED SO BADLY! WE LOVED YOU BEFORE EVER KNOWING YOU! Your big sister(Kendra) and big brothers (Brandon, and Hunter) and lots of family wish you were with us to. If there was anything I could have done to make this outcome differently I would have and Eli we did try everything possible for you! I want you to know little man, I won't stop trying either! I know you are with Jesus and God, waiting for us to meet you in paradise. So daddy and I need to fully change our hearts, and give them to Jesus, to one day be with you in paradise...We will be seeing you there little one! All of our love and devotion,
Mommy and Daddy xoxoxox

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