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Monday, April 9, 2012

Noah and Gael Castillo

Noah Castillo
Born sleeping on January 5th 2012. Costa Rica

Gael Castillo
Born and passed away on January 5th 2012. Costa Rica

I choose to believe that God had nothing to do with your death.

I choose to remember you and love you every day of my life.

I choose to believe that God has hurt with me.

I choose to allow my grief to transform me into a better person.

I choose to let my feelings flow, not downplay, not deny them, not hide them.

I choose to give love to everyone, everywhere.

I choose not to understand, just accept.

I choose to love myself because I am the mother of three beautiful children.

I choose to remember the joy, enthusiasm and good times I had thanks to you.

I choose to believe you are in a place where no one can harm you.

I choose to believe you are together, wherever you are.

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