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Monday, April 9, 2012

Seth, James, Angel, Ikayla and Melody

Seth Horne
15/09/2002 - 15/09/2002

Dear Butterfly, Not a day goes by that we don't think about you♥ Keep shining down on us♥♥ fly high baby boy♥♥♥ love you to the Moon and Back♥♥

James Young
24/12/2004 - 24/12/2004

Dear Butterfly, Not a day goes by that we don't think about you♥ Keep shining down on us♥♥ fly high baby boy♥♥♥ love you to the Moon and Back♥♥

Angel Young
27/11/2009 -27/11/2009

Dear Butterfly, Not a day goes by that we don't think about you♥ Keep shining down on us♥♥ fly high baby girl♥♥♥ love you to the Moon and Back♥♥

Ikayla Rose Young
27/11/2010 - 27/11/2010

Dear Butterfly, Not a day goes by that we don't think about you♥ Keep shining down on us♥♥ fly high baby girl♥♥♥ love you to the Moon and Back♥♥

Melody Alice Patterson
31/03/2012 - 31/03/2012

Dear Butterfly, Not a day goes by that we don't think about you♥ Keep shining down on us♥♥ fly high baby girl♥♥♥ love you to the Moon and Back♥♥

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