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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Moira Mae

Moira Mae
May 8, 2009

While in the loving arms of her parents
she became an angel in heaven on May 11, 2009
West Brookfield, Massachusetts
You were here on Earth with us for only four days and in that four days
you touched the hearts of so many people who will never forget you.
We love you with our whole hearts Moira Mae and you will be in our thoughts
everyday. You will be truly missed our sweet baby girl because

"For all to briefly, There was Moira."

Loving you forever,
Mommy and Daddy

5 Send Your Love Here:

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing it <3
~Sarah Nolin

Anonymous said...

Beautiful..this would be a memorable poster, or picture to hang on the wall...Hugs, Susan

melissa said...

I got chills when I saw this. Such a beautiful and unique way to honor your daughter. Blessings to you all.
Melissa G

Alison said...

Thank you so much Carly for all you do. This meant the world to us! Moira's name means "star of the sea." You are an amazing woman and you bring hope to all of the loss mamas out there. Thank you, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Moira certaily has left her mark! I think of her often and am reminded of the precious frailty of life but also of the beauty of it... and of the strength of two people who are so inspiring (Alison and Dave of course). Moira's life was NOT in vain! Rest assured in that.