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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15th - So tonight light a candle

Dear Friends

October 15th is a day for remembering babies that are no longer with us.

This evening we created a short video in honour of those babies.

Please take a moment to watch it.

May you find peace in the candle light tonight

4 Send Your Love Here:

SirRabbit said...

You are an amazing family...this is such a testament of the love that emanates from Christian and is obviously in your family and this video is absolutely gorgeous Carly, I have told SIDS and Kids of your site and they looked at it and thought this is so beautiful, your beautiful family has shined so much light on these dark day of going through the loss of our angel babies...
thanks for setting up this site...
Louisa Line, I even love the music it's so comforting.(Harry's Mum)

Carly Marie said...

Thank you Louisa,

Your words mean more to us than you will veer know :)

Love Carly x

Anonymous said...

The video is amazing. Thank you so much for giving so much of yourselves so that others like you can benefit. God is working such miracles through you and your family. I am blessed to have met you. Love ya!

Candi (Luke's mommy)


The video was beautiful and precious. Thank you so much for doing what you do, it means so much, more than you will ever know.
Sara- (Brierley, Henry and Ruth's Mommy)