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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lucien Seung-gyo Kim and Logan Young-gyo Kim

Lucien Seung-gyo Kim
21 July 2006 - 31 August 2006
Rochester, New York

Logan Young-gyo Kim
21 July 2006
born still
Rochester, New York

You both were perfect and beautiful in every way, just born too soon for this earth
(23 weeks and 5 days).
We miss you both so much, our beautiful twin boys.
We can hardly believe you would have turned three on the 21st of July (sometimes it seems like just yesterday that you both were born as the memories are so vivid).
We now have three year old angels.
We hold you both in our hearts always and forever. There is not a moment that goes by that you are not with us.
We would have loved to be able to watch you both play and grow together but it was not to be so.

Someone once said "I know why Lucien had to go to, it is because he could not live without his twin." At the time I was feeling selfish and just wanted to watch one of my twins grow up but this statement was made by a twin and now I think he knew something I did not.

We miss and love you both dearly,
Mama, Papa, little sister Noelani (21m) and little brother Eóin (5m)

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Lucia Pinizotti @ Mindopoly said...

May the memories you hold fill you with joy for the many gifts your twins brought and continue to share with you. Much love and peace to all of you on this dearest of days.

Beth Ballegeer said...

Hopefully the pain will become mellower, and the love sweeter as each year passes. We can't shoulder what you endure on the boys' birthday, but can send you all our love and thoughts.

Beth, Kurt, and Kaden