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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cody Jake

Cody Jake
Born 23rd February 2005
Died 23rdFebruary 2005

Time, it is probably the most valuable asset we have, yet we tend to waste it, throw it away and never invest it,
Time, never seems to be important until we haven't got the time to spend with the ones we love.
Time, never seems to be important untill we haven't got time to do the things we enjoy.
Cody you came in to this world surrounded by love. The fifteen minutes you spent with us may have been short but those fifteen minutes where your lifetime.
fifteen minute have never felt so valuable. you brought joy, happiness and pleasure to us in such a short period of time.
Mixed with our feelings was deep felt sadness, knowing that your time spent with us was going to be short,
But, the fifteen minutes you spent with us will forever be the most precious minutes of our life.
You are now ina place where time has no end; there is no sadness, no tears and no evil.
The day will come, when we will join you so that we can spend with you:

The 15 seconds

The 15 minutes

The 15 hours

The 15 days

The 15 months

The 15 years

and more that you have been so cruely taken from us. We will have time to catch up with the fun, joy, pleasure and the games that we should have had with you. Untill that time comes, you will always be in or thoughts, in our hearts and forever loved.

we love and sadly miss you, rest in peace sweetheart x x x

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